
RT reported on the surrender of Azovstal.
Around 2500 fighters have surrendered and have been sent to penitenciari centres as POW. Many of the Ukrainian soldiers where badly wounded and have been treated in Russian hospitals.
The hard core of Nazi Azov, including their public faces that have been sending messages to the Pope and other personalities recently, maybe a couple of hundred of fighters are still in the catacombs and is unclear I'd they will surrender.

Hold on! Did this German reporter from the German public TV just say that the Russians have swapped the Ukrainian heroes of Snake island in a prisoner exchange???
I thought those guys were dead!!!
And if they are not dead but surrendered, how are they heroes then?

They have Far Right roots this Battalion (Azov) a lot of them wear Nazi insignia on their clothing so this lends some weight to the false Russian claim that they are denazifying Ukraine.
German Public TV.

This one is for everyone to post on your social media please.

David Saavedra is a professional soldier of the Spanish army and ex Neo Nazi, for 15 years he was member of the most ideologically dangerous white supremacist groups of Spain.
He talks about the dangers of arming and training neo Nazis.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is grinding its way toward its inevitable conclusion, namely Russian control over the Donbas region. But this will not end the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which has expanded in scope and scale beyond the capabilities of the Russian military resources originally allocated. With no diplomatic off-ramp on the horizon, the war risks becoming a permanent state of conflict between Russia and Ukraine — with unknown consequences.
Scott Ritter article:

Oh boy I watched the Western media and also read a few comments on the web... They truly believe there is a prisoner exchange going on in Azovstal! They believe it's an evacuation 😂😂😂😂😂.
Let me tell you maybe the ones who have lost a limb and are not fit to work will be exchanged, for the ones caught with Nazi tattoos and known Nazis.... Well there's no need to say.

❗️ The deputy commander of the Azov regiment Svyatoslav "Kalina" Palamar surrendered, war correspondent Dmitry Steshin @DmitriySteshin reports.

According to Steshin, Kalina left Azovstal last night around 9 pm.

The surrendered Nazis from Azovstal are waiting for a tribunal, said the head of the DNR Pushilin.

According to him, the trial of war criminals should be international.

At the same time, the commanders of the highest rank have not yet left the factory. A total of 959 militants have surrendered since May 16.

The day before, the State Duma proposed to legislatively prohibit the exchange of prisoners of "Azov"* and send them to court.

* "Azov" is a nationalist extremist organization, banned in the Russian Federation.


Ivan Bidenko told me in Mariupol at Nakhimova Street 160, when leaving their firing points, Ukrainian snipers set fire to houses and killed civilians.

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Trial of Ukrainian Nazis and war criminals will start today

Of the Ukrainian radicals who surrendered, Denis Nuryga, the Aidar militant, will be the first to appear before the court - he is accused of blowing up a bridge in the Lugansk region in 2019, as a result of which sentries of the People's Militia of the LPR were killed.

The trial will take place on May 19 at 14:00 in the Leninsky District Court of Rostov-on-Don.


❗️A resident of Mariupol talks about what they had to endure over the past two months, about the war crimes of the Ukronazis, and about her salvation

“The worst thing is when the Azov people set fire to the basement and threw people there”

SURRENDERED or EVACUATED? A prime example of Western media manipulating facts

As soon as the ukrainian soldiers started leaving the "Azovstal" territory to surrender most of the Western media outlets labeled it either as "evacuation" or "extraction". This is the prime example of how European and American media manipulates seemingly obvious facts.

For anyone who is still on the fence about this. When the surrounded enemy troops fall into their opponent's hands there is only one correct term for it - surrender. Not evacuation, not extraction, but simply surrender.


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