
De financiële steun aan Oekraïne is zwijggeld en verdwijnt in de zakken van corrupte Oekraïense politici die de geheimen van misdaadfamilie Biden verbergen, zegt Pearson Sharp van One American News.

Zoals de biolabs, die ‘niet bestaan’ en die het bedrijf van Hunter Biden heeft gefinancierd. Uit de tienduizenden e-mails die zijn aangetroffen op de laptop van Hunter Biden is gebleken dat de zoon van de Amerikaanse president biolabs in Oekraïne heeft gefinancierd.

Volgens de Russen werden daar biochemische wapens geproduceerd op verzoek van het misdaadsyndicaat van Biden. De Russen hadden gelijk, stelt Sharp.

Drie maanden voor corona​

Het Amerikaanse ministerie van Defensie investeerde in november 2019 in Oekraïne tonnen in onderzoek naar corona, drie maanden voordat de WHO het virus deze naam gaf.

De Verenigde Staten en Hunter Biden financierden onderzoek naar het coronavirus voordat het officieel bestond in dezelfde labs die volgens de overheid niet bestaan.

“Is Joe Biden persoonlijk verantwoordelijk voor het creëren van Covid-19?” vraagt Sharp. “Is dit het Biden-virus?”

Eén van de grootste​

“Is het toeval dat één van de grootste biolabs ter wereld zich in Marioepol bevindt? Een stad die onlangs door Rusland is bevrijd van de Oekraïense nazi’s die gefinancierd en getraind worden door Amerika.”

“Rusland is niet de agressor,” benadrukt Sharp. “De VS, het Pentagon en hun bondgenoten Europa en de NAVO zijn verantwoordelijk voor dit conflict.”
Well would you look at that.
Zelensky is showing signs of defeat as he says that the situation is very difficult and the Russians are continuing to move forward.
He's now emphasizing the importance of actually meeting with Putin. A change of tune? Sounds like he's seeing the writing on the wall. Even Sky News (sheep publication) admits that the situation is bleak for Ukraine. If you had listened to the mainstream media you would be absolutely stunned at hearing this. They told everyone how badly Russia was losing but now all of a sudden the situation is bleak?
Everything the mainstream media seems to push is proven wrong in the end.
Anons were right again.
We are literally the news.

Zoals je kunt zien zijn de Russen complete bruten die gehaat worden door de bevolking van Oekraine:

⚡📣#Breaking Russia installs their own cellular providers in Zaporizhzhia & Kherson region of Ukraine with the Russian +7 country code📣

BREAKING: Russian sources saying that Severodonetsk, in the Luhansk Republic area, has been taken. This, along with multiple other minor Russian victories, in the still contested areas seeing combat, may signal a greater breakdown of the Ukrainian defenses in the East.

We've also seen cracks in the once unified NATO discourse, and everyone is basically been primed for the fact that Russia is winning.

The 'Special Military Operation' objective was never to take the whole country, it seems - since Moscow engaged only about 10% of its forces.

But as is stands, now, Russia has taken all the coastal areas in the Sea of Azov, effectively blockaded all Ukrainian Black Sea ports, built a land bridge from Russia to the Crimean Peninsula, and is about to secure the 'buffer zone' on the East, fully 'liberating' the LPR and DPR breakaway republics. Is it enough? Time will tell.

The de-Nazification is far from complete, in fact war may have emboldened the Azov and Bandera fighters to impose even more terror over their own populations.

Here is one of the Hurricane (Uragan) rockets used by the Ukrainian Nazis to strike the Kherson region. These projectiles are equipped with cluster munitions.

This weapon is prohibited by the global community, but as we can see, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are hitting the city of Kherson with such weapons indiscriminately…

🏳️🇺🇦 Captured Ukrainian border guard told of deception by AFU and unwillingness of people to fight

💬 "...Everyone is in a depressed mood, no one wants to fight. I don't know anybody who wants the war. We were promised that we would serve at checkpoints far from the front line, check civilian vehicles and people's documents. It was a lie..."

In this video, a citizen of Mariupol, Nadezhda Kozub, continues to tell about the excesses of the “Azov” militants before the start of the special military operation:

— ...a man near the gates of the 61st school was having an argument with them, with the "Azov". He was pretty drunk, that man. I asked what the problem was, why he was swearing like that.

He said that someone from his close relatives had been dragged to this school and tortured with a red-hot pipe, they burned that guy just to death.

Refugees from Mariupol, Vladislav Pankeev and Polina Lutsyuk, tell the Ukranian militants shot civilians who went to get water:

— There wasn’t much good. They didn't help in anything. No water to get, nothing. Our people went (for water), neighbors from the entrance, and did not arrive. They were simply shot dead from an armored personnel carrier. It was a Ukrainian armored personnel carrier.

And this is not an isolated case… Therefore, we went to the sauna next to us, drew water with bleach from the pool.

Poroshenko tried to leave Ukraine for Poland, but the border guards did not let him out

Local media write about it and publish photos.

The ex-president's party said that Poroshenko wants to take part in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

Totale demoralisatie onder Oekraiense soldaten:

⚡📣#Breaking: British citizen & POW who is being held prisoner by Russian & pro Russia DPR forces after fighting for Ukraine in Mariupol has started a YouTube channel from captivity. The DPR has said foreigners fighting for Ukraine can be executed. ⚡📣 https://youtube.com/channel/UCFNB2gdTvzAXW9LQ1GS5wfg

Heel interessant dit. Ik begin steeds meer het gevoel te krijgen dat Aiden Aslin een cruciale rol speelt in de informatie-oorlog om vanuit het perspectief van een Engelstalige westerling de situatie in Oekraine op een eerlijke en evenwichtige manier te beschouwen en duiden. Aslin is veel te bruikbaar om hem te executeten, hierdoor heeft hij zojuist zijn leven gered.

Ik plaats hier zijn tweede video over zijn verleden bij de Koerdische YPG in Irak, die strijd leverden tegen het zeer brute ISIS:


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