
🚨Zelensky Bans Opposition Party in Fascist Ukraine🚨

Ukraine has fallen into a full blown Fascist Dictatorship. If having nazi military units in the Ukrainian Army wasn’t enough, now they are banning and seizing all assets of opposition political parties. This is now the 11th opposition party that Zelensky has seized assets from and banned.

I wonder if any of the American liberals who glorify Ukraine, know that they are supporting a literal Fascist Nazi regime. The left have been calling everyone a fascist and a Nazi for 6+ years now. Everything is a “threat to Democracy”. Its rather apropos that the left are proudly flying the flag of a Fascist Nazi nation who repeatedly shits on Democracy. Where is the outcry from the left? Banning opposition so there is only one party therefore one candidate to choose from, is not very Democratic. It’s textbook Dictatorship, but what do I know.

Could you imagine if Trump had a Nazi battalion in the US Army? Or if Trump claimed the assets of all the Democrats and banned the existence of their party? That’s the equivalent of what Zelensky is doing and the left still praise Zelensky as this beacon of freedom and Democracy.

The left and their sheep are in a deep deep psychosis. The world they live in has no semblance of reality. Rules of their reality apply intermittently, only when it benefits the party. They have managed to convince themselves that having Nazi military units is not that big of a deal, so they will have no problem convincing themselves that banning opposing political parties is “for the greater good”. They will believe ANYTHING.

The history books will look back and the left will have worshipped one of the most corrupt nations the world has ever known. In the end, I believe this will deter future generations from blindly believing their media.


Zelenski verbiedt oppositiepartij in fascistisch Oekraïne🚨

Oekraïne is vervallen tot een regelrechte fascistische dictatuur. Alsof de nazi-eenheden in het Oekraïense leger nog niet genoeg waren, worden nu ook alle bezittingen van politieke oppositiepartijen verboden en in beslag genomen. Dit is nu de 11e oppositiepartij waarvan Zelensky activa in beslag heeft genomen en die hij heeft verboden.

Ik vraag me af of de Amerikaanse liberalen die Oekraïne verheerlijken, weten dat ze een letterlijk fascistisch naziregime steunen. Links noemt nu al meer dan 6 jaar iedereen een fascist en een nazi. Alles is een "bedreiging voor de democratie". Het is nogal toepasselijk dat links trots de vlag voert van een fascistische nazi-natie die herhaaldelijk schijt heeft aan de democratie. Waar is de verontwaardiging van links? Het verbieden van oppositie, zodat er maar één partij en dus één kandidaat is om uit te kiezen, is niet erg democratisch. Het is een schoolvoorbeeld van dictatorschap, maar wat weet ik ervan.

Kunt u zich voorstellen dat Trump een nazi-bataljon in het Amerikaanse leger had? Of als Trump de bezittingen van alle Democraten opeist en het bestaan van hun partij verbiedt? Dat is het equivalent van wat Zelensky aan het doen is en links prijst Zelensky nog steeds als dit baken van vrijheid en Democratie.

Links en hun schapen zitten in een diepe diepe psychose. De wereld waarin zij leven heeft geen schijn van realiteit. Regels van hun werkelijkheid gelden met tussenpozen, alleen wanneer het de partij ten goede komt. Ze zijn erin geslaagd zichzelf ervan te overtuigen dat het hebben van nazi-militaire eenheden niet zo'n groot probleem is, dus zullen ze geen probleem hebben zichzelf ervan te overtuigen dat het verbieden van oppositionele politieke partijen "voor het grotere goed" is. Ze zullen ALLES geloven.

De geschiedenisboeken zullen terugblikken en links zal een van de meest corrupte naties die de wereld ooit gekend heeft aanbeden hebben. Uiteindelijk denk ik dat dit toekomstige generaties ervan zal weerhouden hun media blindelings te geloven.


Oekraïne's grootste oppositiepartij verboden
Ik weet niet meer of ik dit nu wel of niet gepost heb, geen reactie dus ik denk van niet

Hier de kijk van Rusland op de zaak, en een BBC verslaggever die "woorden in de mond probeert te leggen

◾Ukrainian activists" put stickers around Auschwitz with the inscription: "The only gas the Russians deserve is Zyklon B."

◾ We are talking about poison gas, which was used by the Nazis in the gas chambers. The inscriptions appeared exactly on June 22. Let us remember that Auschwitz was liberated by the Red Army.

Yana Shablya and her daughter Ekaterina tell us how Yana was wounded due to the shelling of the Zarechnoye village (LPR) by the Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel.

Yana Shablya: On May 23, we were in the garden at our place in Zarechnoye… Before that it was quiet there. Now there’s half the street left in our village. Private houses. Lots of people injured.

What happened that day?

Yana Shablya: A shell flew into a neighbouring garden. It was two houses away from us. A fragment flew towards us and hit her right here.

What kind of injuries did she have?

Yana Shablya: Severe injuries. She lost a lot of blood. We have a tractor and two cards in the yard. If not for that, she would have been much worse.

📹 A clergyman tells how Ukrainian nationalists tortured people using stun guns and firing at prisoners who were unable to move

🇫🇷⚡Elite French officers of Saint Cyr in Ukraine as instructors?

This week, an unidentified French citizen posted a photo in a private chat to tell his comrades that he had arrived in Ukraine.

At first glance, one might think he is just a French civilian. But on detail caught our attention:

Under his plate carrier (CIRAS, french army one) one logo can be seen inscribed on his jumper.

It is the logo of the ESM of Saint Cyr, the elite military school that trains the best French officers. It has links with other similar NATO schools such as West Point and Sandhurst. The school has also trained many African generals who have gone on to make pro-French coup d'état...

The man in the photo appears to be in "Мала Любаша" ("50.8370° N, 26.5174°E"), a village near Zhytomir.

Is this man part of a group of elite French officers sent to Ukraine to train local troops? We have passed the information on to the Russian Ministry of Defence so that they can take the necessary steps.

"I'm running out of time" — British mercenary Aiden Aslin thinks he most likely be shot

The British "soldier of fortune" Aiden Aslin, who fought on the side of the Ukrainian Army, said that he would be executed. At the same time, the British government, according to him, did not try to negotiate with Russia about the release. The words of the mercenary are transmitted by The Telegraph.

"Aiden was very upset when he called his mother this morning. The point is, Aiden said that the DPR informed him that no one from the UK had made contact and he would be executed", his grandmother Aslina said.

"Odessa = Russia" — residents of Odessa amid the news about the ban on teaching Russian language and literature draw patriotic graffiti and urge to take books in Russian from libraries

⚡Kievsky district of Donetsk again under shelling sience the morning. Ukrainian side use 155-mm NATO shells

I just spent 2 hours with Roman Kosarev at Emergency Services in Kievskiy district of Donetsk. The Ukrainian shelling was intense and relentless.

The building has blown out windows, sand-bagged windows to attempt to protect the workers. Five days ago, the director's office was damaged by shrapnel from the shelling, thankfully he had just stepped out a minute before the blast.

One of their fire trucks was targeted yesterday, one of the emergency services workers injured and hospitalized in critical condition as a result. The men mentioned having seen a drone above them prior to the strike. The targeting was unquestionably deliberate and, thus, a war crime.

Like the medics of the Donbass, these emergency services workers are unsung heroes.

Statements by the DPR Head Denis Pushilin:

📌 Since the beginning of the special military operation in the DPR, 190 civilians, including 9 children, have died due to Ukrainian shelling, about 900 have been injured;

📌 Foreign mercenaries convicted in the Donetsk People's Republic have not yet applied for pardon;

📌 An interim stage of the international tribunal for Ukrainian war criminals may take place in the DPR before the end of July;

📌 Foreign journalists will be able to attend the international tribunal for Ukrainian war criminals;

📌 Foreign mercenaries convicted in the DPR can appeal the verdict until July 9;

📌 The DPR authorities plan to grant a participation to international organizations that want to protect Ukrainian war criminals in the tribunal;

📌 Mariupol is seen as the most likely location for a tribunal for Ukrainian war criminals.

❗🇺🇦 🌾 ⚡️AFU burned GRAIN STORAGE in Mariupol and tens of thousands of tons of grain⚡

During the liberation of Mariupol, during the battles for the port, the Armed Forces of Ukraine deliberately burned tens of thousands of tons of grain. Ukraine deliberately creates a food shortage.

❗️There are reports that Ukrainian troops in Gorskoe and Zolotoe are signaling their readiness to surrender, there are up to 2,000 militants there (numbers are estimates)

Ambassador of the LPR to the Russian Federation

Forty Democrats Labeled Ukraine's Azov Battalion a Terrorist Organization in 2019

They compared them to ISIS and blamed them for the Christchurch shooter then they sent them $31 billion in weapons.


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