
(Tekst van Petra organisatie)

Bij onze vredesdemonstraties op de Dam elke laatste zondag van de maand zijn altijd Nederlanders aanwezig, en ook wat Russische mensen. Deze laatsten houden zich meestal in verband met de framing van Rusland in de pers, wat op de achtergrond, een enkeling uitgezonderd.
Maar waarom zijn er geen Oekrainiers? Vragen mensen vaak.
Nou, die zijn er dus wel, maar deze mensen houden zich zelfs nog meer op de achtergrond uit angst voor represailles van het Kiev bewind, in het bijzonder voor de mensen die zij daar achterlieten.
Dit keer zal er echter de mogelijkheid zijn om met mensen uit Oekraine, Rusland en Nederland in dialoog te gaan na afloop van de vredesdemonstratie in hotel Krasnapolsky op de Dam. De onafhankelijke pers uit Oekraine organiseert dit en zal opnames maken van de sprekers van onze organisatie (Platform voor Vrede en Solidariteit). En net als op de Dam zal het interactief worden, oftwel dialoog met het publiek/demonstranten.
Vooralsnog is er ruimte voor ca 50 mensen waarbij de mensen die ik eerder prive heb uitgenodigd wegens betrokkenheid en inzet tegen de oorloghitserij natuurlijk zeker naar binnen kunnen.
Vandaag hebben we pas groen licht gekregen om dit bericht openbaar te delen.
Bij interesse om deze unieke gebeurtenis in het kader van dialoog en verbinding in Krasnapolsky bij te wonen, na de vredesdemonstratie, laat graag weten.
Er zijn geen kosten aan verbonden.
Aanvang 15.30

Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/743398054028451/743398094028447/
rt.com 21 Jul, 2023 10:19
HomeRussia & FSU

Kiev has had no success with counteroffensive – Putin​

The Ukrainian military has lost “tens of thousands” of troops in its push against Moscow’s forces, the Russian president has said
Kiev has had no success with counteroffensive – Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin. © Sputnik/Alexander Kazakov

The West is evidently disappointed that Kiev’s much-lauded counteroffensive has failed to produce any results and has led to high levels of Ukrainian casualties, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

Kiev has received “colossal amounts of resources,” including all kinds of Western weapons and “thousands of foreign mercenaries and advisers,” but has still failed in its campaign, Putin stated during a government meeting on Friday.

The leader praised the bravery, resolve, and professionalism of Russian soldiers and officers. He also argued that Western military equipment had proven to be inferior in some ways even to Soviet-era weapons.
Western nations may supply more weapons to Ukraine, causing more damage to Russia and prolonging the conflict, but “NATO arsenals and stockpiles of old Soviet weapons in certain states are depleted to a certain degree,” Putin added. He claimed that Western military production cannot keep up with demand, while increasing it would require considerable time and investment.
Ukraine 'cannibalizing' US-supplied fighting vehicles – WaPo
Ukraine 'cannibalizing' US-supplied fighting vehicles – WaPo

Meanwhile, Ukraine has lost “tens of thousands of troops” in “suicidal attacks” against Russian defensive positions, Putin claimed. Kiev is running out of manpower despite “total mobilization raids on Ukrainian cities and villages,” he added, insisting that the Ukrainian people are increasingly asking themselves whose “selfish interests their family members are dying for.

According to Putin, the US is interested in weakening Europe by fanning the conflict. The president suggested that European public opinion and even European elites are turning against the “endless waste of money and effort” on behalf of the interests of “the global hegemon across the ocean.”
The only parties interested in fueling the conflict in Ukraine are US elites and some Eastern European leaders who believe they can profit from it, Putin asserted. In Kiev, lawmakers see it as a chance “to save their skins” and are ready “to sell out everything, their people and their land,”the Russian leader argued.

Putin made the remarks as he chaired a meeting of the Russian Security Council.
rt.com 22 Jul, 2023 14:23
HomeRussia & FSU

‘Large group’ of foreign mercenaries killed in Ukraine – Moscow​

The precision strike two weeks ago hit a military academy in Lviv, the Defense Ministry has said
‘Large group’ of foreign mercenaries killed in Ukraine – Moscow

Russia's Grad multiple launch rocket system. © Sputnik / Russian Defense Ministry
Russian forces carried out a strike on a mercenary compound in western Ukraine earlier this month, killing a large number of foreign fighters, Moscow’s Defense Ministry confirmed on Saturday.

In a statement, the ministry said verified data indicated that a Russian “group strike using high-precision long-range sea-based weapons” successfully hit a Ukrainian military academy in Lviv on July 6.
The barrage, officials claimed, “destroyed a large number of Polish and German mercenaries that had been stationed there,” without specifying how many.

In total, Moscow’s forces have killed about 4,990 foreign fighters since the start of Russia’s military campaign in Ukraine in February 2022, with roughly the same number fleeing the country, the statement read.

“Russia’s armed forces will continue to deliberately destroy foreign mercenaries on the territory of Ukraine,” it added.
Kiev has had no success with counteroffensive – PutinREAD MORE: Kiev has had no success with counteroffensive – Putin

On July 6, the ministry claimed it had launched an attack on temporary deployment areas of Ukrainian troops and foreign mercenaries, as well as warehouses storing Western-supplied military hardware. At the time, it said all designated targets had been hit, adding that “the enemy’s strategic reserves have suffered significant losses.”

Earlier this month, the Russian Defense Ministry said Kiev had stepped up its efforts to recruit more fighters across the world due to manpower shortages at home, adding that Ukraine “mostly uses them as cannon fodder for meat assaults.”
Russia has repeatedly occasions warned foreign mercenaries that should they choose to fight for Ukraine, they would become “legitimate targets,” and that the best they could expect was a “long term in prison.”

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