
Putin tells Macron Russian military operation 'will be completed'

Special Military operation you say 👀

In their phone call Thursday, President Putin told French counterpart Emmanuel Macron that the tasks of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine would be fulfilled in any case, and urged him to join efforts to ensure the safe evacuation of foreign citizens from Ukraine.

Putin explained that it was about demilitarization and the neutral status of Ukraine, so that a threat to Russia would never come from its territory, and that attempts to gain time by delaying negotiations would only lead to the emergence of new demands on Kiev. Via RT

Think about this. With all the attention focused on Ukraine and the impeachment that went on over Ukraine and the Biden Crime Family's scandal in Ukraine and the disappearing billions of dollars of aid that disappeared in Ukraine...in all this extensive corporate media news coverage of UKRAINE UKRAINE UKRAINE for the past couple of years...somehow...by some SORCEROUS MIRACLE...even after COVID 19 escaped from a biolab in Wuhan, these corporate hacks managed to never bring up the numerous US funded bioweapons labs or the civil war going on in the country for the past 8 years or so where one side was literally using privately funded neo-Nazi groups to fight it's battles for them. You didn't start finding out about any of this until Vladimir Putin forced the issue with a military operation. And the moment you started finding out about the labs and the private militia groups, what did these same corporate shitweasels do? THEY TOLD YOU THERE ARE NO LABS AND THERE ARE NO NAZI MILITIAS. In other words - they lied to you.

Ukraine on fire - the real story.
Recente documentaire van Oliver Stone over dit wespennest, en de historische banden (1945) tussen CIA en extreme elementen binnen Oekraïne. Een duidelijk overzicht van de aanloop naar de bloedige staatsgreep van februari 2014 ; interview met de hoofdrolspelers van toen, inclusief Poetin zelf. En zelfs Oliver Stone suggereert dat het heel onwaarschijnlijk is dat mh17 door de Russen zou zijn gedaan.

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You're not going to believe this.
Ukraine put out more propaganda on their official Twitter account and the first person in the video is none other than Marina Abromavich the spirit cooker. Her pupil Lady Gaga shows up as well.
You can't make this stuff up.
Pedowood is coming out in support of Ukraine.


Dank! Voor wie het niet meteen kon horen (rond de 10 minuten) , voornaamste bronnen waar Karel van Wolferen informatie vandaan haalt zijn : moonofalabama.org & thesaker.is
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