
Russian ambassador directly states he is accusing the US Dept. of Defense of having done experiments on pathogens in Ukraine that are in direct violation of the BWC both Russia and the US signed in 1972.

Color me shocked that the Russians claim they have evidence that the same people funding gain of function research on pathogens in Wuhan were also funding gain of function research on pathogens in Ukraine.

Russian ambassador now alleging there is evidence much of this illegal research being done in direct violation of the BWC in Ukraine by the United States involved targeting of specific ETHNICITIES and DNA groups.

[Doorgestuurd van IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️ (IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️)]
Russian Federation: we found that they were taking blood samples of Slavics which can be used to create pathologics that can specifically target certain ethnic groups.

[Doorgestuurd van IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️ (IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️)]
Russian Federation: we received the information of Kiev biolabs that they were studying H5N1 which has a mortality rate of 50%. We also found they were studying Plague, leptosporiosis, being able to pass from bats to humans. These studies were conducted in the heart of eastern europe right next to the russian border.

Russian Ambassador now detailing the claim that there was way too much of these kinds of biological pathogens in these labs seized by Russia for just mere benign research and claims it must have been a military biological weapons program.

[Doorgestuurd van IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️ (IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️)]
Russian Federation: 320 containers of biopathogens were destroyed in connection with a military program

Albania UN guy now responding, pretty much saying this is all just more lying Russian propaganda to justify an invasion and seizure of Ukraine by Putin.

[Doorgestuurd van IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️ (IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️)]
Representative of Albania: any mentions of weapons of mass destruction is worth our time. The UN is unaware of any biological weapons with US and Ukraine. Everything Russia is saying is false and part of disinformation campaign and is not worth our time.

[Doorgestuurd van IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️ (IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️)]
Representative of Albania: Russia is the one's using chemical and biological weapons in Ukraine and blaming it on Ukraine.

wow. Max level projection per usual.

Updates via Brian Gates.
En nog meer via Brian Cates:
The UN is clearly against Russia. Now they're claiming that there are no biolabs in Ukraine supported by the US. Well, decide for yourself. Here are all of the Russian documents, translated in English for you...

US Ambassador now up. As expected: Russia in engaged in a brutal conquest of Ukraine, killing citizens with indiscriminate carpet bombing, shelling, etc. All this biolab talk is propaganda.

Yup. Just as I suspected they would, the US and the deep state controlled puppets at the UN are simply screaming this is all “disinformation” “conspiracy theories”.

The UN rep for the USA just claimed there is no bio program in Ukraine and there are no labs there…

This is INSANE after all the direct evidence to prove otherwise. The Biological Threat Reduction Program is not a conspiracy theory. We have the receipts of their messiah, obama, there in 2005 to set up the program.

They are lying directly to your face. And thus so begins the denial.

Deny. Conspiracy theory. Deny. Disinformation. Deny. Project. Deny. Rinse repeat.
Now, when the Russian ambassador spoke, he said a report containing all the documentary evidence will be provided to the council members. That's coming. But from what they're all saying so far, I don't expect they're going to take the report seriously. But it will be publicly released, I'm sure so we'll all get to see it ourselves.
Kijk waar de MSM nu weer mee komt🤬🤬 geen woord over de Veiligheidsraad en Biolabs ,nou ja dat wel maar ze verdraaien het gewoon.. echt verschrikkelijk die media debielen!! Geen woorden meer voor.


[Doorgestuurd van BioClandestine]
Notice how no country is able to disprove Russian claims. They simply quote US media outlets 😂😂😂 as their source for Russia pushing “disinformation”.

Allow the rats to expose themselves. Let them all have their statements. Once they are done spewing their bullshit, and exposing their positions, then Russia drops the incontrovertible evidence and they can’t walk back the fact that they all disregarded Russia’s claims before they saw the evidence.

Be patient.

Think of this like a Project Veritas drip-drip-drip scenario. You release the first video /drop the first evidence claims, get all the denials on record, then drop the more damning stuff and watch them all scramble to walk back.
That's how James O'Keefe destroyed Acorn. He'd release a video, they'd all RUSH to deny what the video showed...then he'd release the next video...and they'd scramble to walk back and 'clarify' their denials. We could be watching the same strategy here. Russia is getting all the denials on the record.
[Doorgestuurd van IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️ (IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️)]
This council has got one thing right.
The world is watching.
And we see right through their BS

[Doorgestuurd van IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️ (IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️)]
Representative of China: the situtation in Ukraine is rapidly evolving. It is full of complexities. Recently Russia and Ukraine have held many negotiations and high level peace talks. China attaches great importance with Biological weapons and WMD's. We condemn any country participating in these programs and encourage any country to destroy these weapons should there be any. To uphold Biological Weapons Convention should be upheld and Russia's evidence should be taken serioulsy with multilateral verification

[Doorgestuurd van IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️ (IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️)]
Representative of China: The US has 336 laboratories around the world. This comes directly from the US. If they deny these allegations they need to present relevant evidence to conclude these allegations are false for all the nations at the council

[Doorgestuurd van IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️ (IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️)]
Represenative of Brazil: any accusations of violations of the BWC are very serious and as such must be thoroughly substantiated and investigated by an independent investigation. Brazil believes, that research should be kept distinct of the development of biological weapons should the BWC be kept intact. We believe a Multilateral verifaction, as described by the BWC, be used to investigate these allegations.

[Doorgestuurd van IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️ (IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️)]
This council has got one thing right.
The world is watching.
And we see right through their BS

[Doorgestuurd van IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️ (IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️)]
Representative of China: the situtation in Ukraine is rapidly evolving. It is full of complexities. Recently Russia and Ukraine have held many negotiations and high level peace talks. China attaches great importance with Biological weapons and WMD's. We condemn any country participating in these programs and encourage any country to destroy these weapons should there be any. To uphold Biological Weapons Convention should be upheld and Russia's evidence should be taken serioulsy with multilateral verification

[Doorgestuurd van IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️ (IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️)]
Representative of China: The US has 336 laboratories around the world. This comes directly from the US. If they deny these allegations they need to present relevant evidence to conclude these allegations are false for all the nations at the council

[Doorgestuurd van IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️ (IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️)]
Represenative of Brazil: any accusations of violations of the BWC are very serious and as such must be thoroughly substantiated and investigated by an independent investigation. Brazil believes, that research should be kept distinct of the development of biological weapons should the BWC be kept intact. We believe a Multilateral verifaction, as described by the BWC, be used to investigate these allegations.

Ik snap het allemaal niet zo goed wat er nu gaande is. Engels lezen is niet mijn sterkste kant. Luisteren snap ik prima. Misschien kan er nog iemand komen met een Nederlandse uitleg en hoe alles nu verder gaat?😉
So Russia makes their case and the almost all of the UN Security Council comes out in opposition saying they have not presented any evidence. So now the UN, the Biden admin, the MSM, basically the entirety of the political establishment is on record denying that the US was doing anything nefarious with biological research in Ukraine.

Hypothetically speaking, what happens when the devolution team comes out with hard evidence to the contrary?
Russia: *directly accuses US of producing and stockpiling biological weapons, brings evidence and documentation*

US responds: “we aren’t going to address conspiracy theories”.

Notice how the US has no argument other than claiming Russia is lying. THATS IT! Instead of offering to prove beyond a reasonable doubt these accusations are false, they just deny it and label anything they don’t like as a conspiracy theory.

Laatst bewerkt:
[Doorgestuurd van IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️ (IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️)]
Russian Federation: We hear on the media of attacking civilians, hospitals, and using cluster ammunitions and have already denied these allegations with our Ministry of Defense. Did we hear on march 7th, when we said the radicals (AZOV) moved to that maternity ward. Apparently you don't listen. What you can see there is a building without windows but the maternity hospital is not destroyed. Here are the photos. If the building was destroyed by shelling it wouldn't look like this. There's only overturned furniture and still intact chairs.

[Doorgestuurd van IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️ (IET 17 ⭐⭐⭐️)]
Russian Federation: We have found out a great deal of what you think of Freedom of Speech when you cut off Russian sources as part of this war. We did not start this war. This war was started 8 years ago by Ukranians (2014).
Ik snap het allemaal niet zo goed wat er nu gaande is. Engels lezen is niet mijn sterkste kant. Luisteren snap ik prima. Misschien kan er nog iemand komen met een Nederlandse uitleg en hoe alles nu verder gaat?😉
Ik zou ook dankbaar zijn met een korte Nederlandse uitleg 😁 Want al die Engelse teksten zorgen bij mij vooral voor: 😵‍💫🤯🤕

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