Tot op de daq van vandaag kan ik niet begrijpen hoe een intelligent persoon als Amancay zich zo heeft laten beetnemen door anti-Poetin-propaganda, die kennelijk niet alleen in het westen circuleert, maar ook in Rusland en Oekraine zelf. Ik heb hem moeten verwijderen als forumlid omdat het regelrecht gevaarlijk is voor de wereldvrede om hierin te geloven en dit te verkondigen. Om diezelfde reden zal ik ook iedereen verwijderen die meent te moeten verkondigen dat Israel zo goed bezig is. Dat is geen censuur, maar een manier om dit forum schoon te houden van meningen die je toch al overal hoort en geen enkel tegenwicht bieden tegen een stortvloed van propaganda die een serieuze bedreiging vormt voor de wereldvrede.
Het artikel hieronder verwoordt exact hoe ik hierin sta en waarom 'objectiviteit' onze grootste vijand is:
First they manufacture monstrous lies, and then they tell us that we should be objective!
Is love objective; is passion?
Are dreams defendable, logically and philosophically?
When a house is attacked by brigands, when a village is overran by gangsters, when smoke, fire and cries for help are coming from every corner, should we award ourselves with the luxury of time to calculate, analyze and aim at complete logical, ethical, holistic and objective solutions?
I strongly believe no! We are obliged to fight those who are burning our dwellings, to hit with full force those who are attempting to rape our women, and to confront fire with fire when innocent beings are slaughtered.
When the most powerful and the most destructive force on earth employs all its persuasive might, utilizing everything from the mainstream media to educational facilities, in order to justify its crimes, when it spreads its poisonous propaganda and lies in order to oppress the world and suppress hope, do we step back and begin endless and detailed work on precise and objective narratives? Or do we confront lies and propaganda with our own narrative, supported by our intuition, passion and dreams for a better world?
I truly believe that there is not much time for “objectivity” in any battle, including those ideological ones, especially when these are battles for the survival of humanity!
The lies of the enemy have to be confronted. They are toxic, monstrous lies!
Once the destruction stops, millions of innocent men, women and children will cease being sacrificed, and we can return to our complex philosophical concepts, to details and to nuances.
But before we win our final battles against imperialism, nihilism, fascism, exceptionalism, selfishness and greed, we have to fully and effectively utilize our most powerful weapons: our visions of a better world, our love for humanity, our passion for justice. Our determination and our beliefs have to be presented in a loud, potent, even “dogmatic” manner, our voice should be creative, artistic, powerful!
The house is on fire, comrades! The entire town is turning to ashes. The entire planet is plundered, devastated, lobotomized.
We cannot confront bigots with nukes and battleships. But our talents, our muses, and our hearts are here, with us, ready to join the battle.
Let us outsmart our enemies; let us make sure that the world begins laughing at them! Have you seen them, those pathetic losers, the buffoons – the CEO’s? Have you listened to those Prime Ministers and Presidents, those servants of the “market”? Let us convince the masses that their tyrants –the imperialists, the neo-colonialists and all their dogmatic preachers – are nothing more than pitiful, greedy, poisonous fools! Let us discredit them! Let us ridicule them.
They are robbing and murdering millions. Let us begin by at least pissing on them!
Let us fight Western propaganda by first exposing those who are really behind it. Let’s get personal.
Let’s turn this revolution into something creative, hilarious, truly fun!
De hele column is goud waard, verplicht leesvoer!