
Ik heb het al gevonden:

As per German media reports, the organiser of the rally was identified by the Hamburger Morgenpost as Joe Adade Boateng (25) who calls himself Raheem Boateng. Boateng is a German citizen who converted to Islam in 2015 and is now a self-styled imam. As per a report in “Hamburger Abendblatt”, the 25-year-old is studying to be a teacher at Hamburg University, but on Instagram and TikTok he is a kind of Islamist influencer.

He spreads what the paper described as “Islamist propaganda” on social media, including TikTok. According to media reports, the man is also a member of Muslim Interaktiv – an organisation officially designated by the Domestic Security Service (BfV) as an “established extremist group.” It is pertinent to note that this status does not lead to an automatic ban in Germany. However, it allows security officials to take measures against members of the outlet with all available intelligence tools, including covert surveillance, confidential informants, and phone tapping.

Additionally, according to the Hamburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Muslim Interaktiv is an ideologically offshoot of the Islamist Hizb ut-Tahrir (HuT) that wants to establish a caliphate – dictatorship based on Sharia law. The group has been banned from operating since 2003, the report added.

According to German outlets, Boateng and Muslim Interaktiv specifically target and radicalises young Muslims in Germany by addressing their problems like perceived discrimination. They present the supposedly simple solution as choosing/prioritising between two issues – German or Muslim, Koran or Basic Law.

As per reports, DFB national player Antonio Rüdiger in particular courted controversy in recent weeks after he showed the Islamist salute – “Tauhid” finger aka ISIS finger, as per German outlets, on his Instagram account and shouted “Allahu Akbar” after a game. However, after his act, Muslim Interactive came out to extend solidarity with him.

Helemaaaaal niet verdacht. 🙄

Het is dus een radicaal islamitische groep die de sharia nastreeft. Probleem is wel dat veel moslims dit gedachtegoed delen.
Demissionair staatssecretaris Eric van der Burg (Asiel) blijft Tweede Kamerlid voor de VVD ondanks het intrekken van de spreidingswet. Dat liet hij geëmotioneerd weten na het fractieberaad van zijn partij over het akkoord op hoofdlijnen tussen de PVV, VVD, NSC en BBB.
Van der Burg zegt dat hij gehuild heeft toen bekend werd dat de spreidingswet van tafel gaat. Als demissionair staatssecretaris van Asiel heeft hij de wet waarmee de asielopvang evenredig over Nederland wordt verdeeld verdedigd.

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