Hier een getuigenis van iemand die vertelt hoe ozonoorinsufflaties
https://www.google.nl/search?q=ozon...&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1024&bih=641 werken en wat er gebeurt als je merkt dat je oren lymfevocht gaan produceren om toxines uit je hoofd af te voeren tot aan dat hij een handdoek op zijn kussen moest leggen om te voorkomen dat de kussensloop onder het vocht uit de oren kwam te zitten:
It took me a month or two before they started letting go of the toxins for me. Some people take longer. They didn't get dry for me, but each person is different.
Right before the ears start letting go of the toxins, you will notice the ear wax getting a lot thinner, or start getting watery. That's when you'll know you're almost there. You might want to start slowing down on the time, or frequency of the applications then. Because the dam is about to burst in your ears, and the watering, icthing, and scabing is about to start.
If you keep going they will eventually start watering like crazy, and the dryness will stop then. My ears watered so much, it soaked all the way through the pillow & into the bed at night. When you get to that point, put a towel on your pillow. They will continue to water in the day time too. They will itch like crazy, and kind of scab over too. If you haven't slowed down on the time, and frequency of applications already, I would now. SLow down to about 30 second to a minute applications, once a week, or less. You can slow down to 10 second applications once a week if you like. It's all up to you and how bad you want to do it. For me they watered for at least 3 days after each application when I reached that point. That's the way it was for me at least.
How long are you insufflating now? You can do it for how ever long you like now until they start to water. Do it for at least 5 minutes to a half hour per ear, or longer. This will speed up the process so the ears will start watering sooner, and apply it every day too.
I'm wondering how much your machine puts out too. If it's a model that doesn't have a high output then you'll have to do it longer to make up for that. If you can adjust the output, crank it.
You will notice clearer thinking, & less headaches pretty soon after the water starts flowing. You probably won't get any ear infections either. It will get rid of other problems like brain cancer, and possible stroke problems too.
Forgot to tell you the "water" is actually lymph fluid containing toxins coming to the surface of the skin. So this is good, and shows the ozone is doing it's thing.
I was doing mine to try and get rid of the ringing in my hears from playing R&R for 20 years. I did it for about 10 months, and it didn't help, but I didn't get to the point of where the toxins stopped coming out either, which is what you're supposed to do. I got tired of all the itching and watering.
I do it every now and then to get rid of brain fog still. Which reminds me....
p.s. ik ben twee weken geleden naar de huisarts gegaan om mijn oren te laten uitspuiten omdat ze weer eens helemaal dichtzaten (ik was zowat doof) sinds het ozoneren. Heel raar maar ik was al weer vergeten dat ik eerder het oorsmeer zacht kreeg met h202-druppels van de 3 procents-oplossing.