Palestina - Israël

Israeli settler brags about the massive territories in the West Bank they’ve been stealing since Oct. 7 with the Israeli army’s help:

Previously, “the Arabs… were walking around freely in the nearby fields and orchards. And we looked at them… and we went crazy with jealousy.”

Now, “all the fields, and all the greenhouses around us, are considered a closed military zone” for Arabs.

“Since then, we have the right, and the obligation, to go out to these fields, to show our presence, and to get to know these amazing natural treasures.”

“Suddenly, there is space to walk around. And we do it — occupying the hills around us, with lookout points and picnic tables, and we put up the flag with pride.”

“At the same time, around the settlement, a new fence is being built which makes the official settlement area more than twice the size.”

“The fields, and the nature that I was so attracted to, just opened up in front of me more than I could ever imagine.”


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