Palestina - Israël

I was 24 years old when the Israeli army spokesman posted the first photo, then I went to check the health of the elderly woman , her brother told me that the army killed her and the medical report showed that time that she was executed in the head three days before the army withdrew in my village.
Her name was Galia Abu Reida.


A reporter for Army Radio said on live broadcast that he observed “many families of the hostages breaking down in tears and experiencing anxiety and panic attacks while participating in the ongoing demonstration in Tel Aviv, after hearing rumors that the Israeli army had managed to recover the bodies of prisoners from Gaza.”

⚡️BREAKING: Israeli Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich calls for more settlements in the West Bank!

"We are committed to expanding the operation in northern Samaria to the Judean sector as well and to act decisively in the face of any threat. Palestinian terrorism wants to destroy the State of Israel, and the Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria stands at the forefront of the defense of the entire country. Therefore, our answer must be to strengthen the settlement and thwart a Palestinian state that would endanger our security and existence."


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