Palestina - Israël

New footage from the massive vaccination effort in Gaza shows children receiving the vaccine orally.

This is disturbing as this type of polio vaccine was suspended in the UK, USA and other countries because it can actually cause severe problems, including polio.

The Director of the World Health Organization ominously states, "Ultimately, the best vaccine for these children is peace."

Polio is contracted orally- hence why the majority of the West got rid of the oral polio vaccine and now only ship to 3rd world countries, hence we see massive polio outbreaks in those countries.

Oral polio vaccine is the major cause of all polio cases in the world today and those cases are not wild polio they are all from the vaccine strain of polio. Which is ONLY contracted orally!

BREAKING: Netanyahu *again* uses a map that erases the West Bank during his press conference today.

This comes after the US refused to condemn him explicitly for doing so.

"It goes from the river to the sea."

He presented a map excluding the occupied West Bank, which has sparked regional concerns and condemnations over fears that Israel is pursuing the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to Jordan.


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