Palestina - Israël

Het is 'uitgesproken'. Bibi heeft Emmanuel even herinnerd aan de videobeelden die hij van hem heeft en nu is alles weer bij het oude.

Maar was er dan wel echt een conflict in de eerste instantie?

Of moet Macron een toneelstukje op voeren voor zijn linkse coalitie?

Hoe staat het met de machtsverhoudingen van de elite in Frankrijk? Macron is vaak van alle Westerse Leiders degene die het beste met BRICS landen overweg kan. Ik vraag mij af of de krachten die hem aansturen precies dezelfde zijn als die het bijvoorbeeld in Amerika, Duitsland en Nederland voor het zeggen hebben.
Wrong. 5,000 rockets were fired within one hour as IDF cowards were cowering in bomb shelters. As the rockets were flying, Hamas fighters were gliding toward their targers. They disabled communications between the kibbutzim and breeched the entire length of the fence, all within an hour.

One year on, folks in the alternative media are still saying "Oct. 7 was an inside job" and "Israel created Hamas", suggesting that Israel and Hamas were in cahoots with one another to allow Israel to commit genocide in Gaza. My answer to that is: yes and no. Allow me to explain.

Let's start with the statement that Israel created Hamas. Very often a Wikileaks document is cited, which clearly states that Israel financially backed Hamas through Qatar. Read that again:

Backed financially.

Does that sound like Israel created Hamas? No, that's just what people read into it to support their narrative. It's actually very similar to doomers saying Trump took $100 m fron Miriam Adelson, therefore he's a Zionist. Those same people claiming Hamas was "created" by Israel because they received money from Israel will defend Trump by stating that he took Adelson's money in order to defeat Israel in some kind of 5D chess move. Is Hamas capable of playing chess too or are you too racist to admit that islamic resistance movements are actually capable of this? By quoting Wikileaks you have proved only that Hamas took Israeli money but you have not proved Israel "created" Hamas.

But in a way Israel did "create" Hamas. The PLO under Yasser Arafat more or less started out like Hamas in the early 1980s when they were operating largely out of Lebanon. Then Israel went into Lebanon and pretty much destroyed them in the same genocidal manner we have seen in Gaza. By 1989, the PLO was actively negotiating a two-state solution with Israel.

Palestinian resistance fighters saw this and realized you can't make a deal with an enemy like that and so Hamas was created. Bibi Netanyahu saw an opportunity and began secretly supporting Hamas, which carried out suicide attacks and other terrorist acts on Israeli soil, thus derailing peace talks with Israel. To some, this may be proof positive that Hamas is controlled opposition created by Israel, but that's because you are seeing this through a western lense in which Israel has always had the upper hand.

In the same way, the "Oct. 7 was an inside job' narrative came into existence. It is simply inconceivable for some that Israel with its mighty army and intelligence service was surprised and dealt a tremendous blow that day. Somehow the colonial concept of 'might makes right' has lodged firnly inside the brains of those who still cling to this notion, even after seeing the IDF bumbling in Gaza for an entire year.

Let me first humor the naysayers. Yes, female spotters did notify their higher-ups about suspicious activities taking place in Gaza at least a year before the Oct. 7 attacks. It is simply impossible for Hamas to practice these scenarios unseen, what with surveillance drones buzzing in the Gaza skies on a daily basis.

It is even possible that the inner circle of the IDF and Mossad knew the attacks were going to take place on Oct. 7 and they did allow them to happen. I mean, why were so many soldiers on leave or moved to the West Bank? Why was the Nova music festival extended by one more day and moved closer to the Gaza border, basically creating human shields and ensuring maximum civilian casualties as a result of the attacks? This is enough to suspect foul play.

But never once did the upper echelons of the Israeli government, army and intelligence service believe that the efforts of Hamas would amount to anything other than civilian casualties. Not in their wildest dreams did they suspect that Hamas would fire 5,000 rockets, overwhelming the Iron Dome. And while the rockets were in the air so were the hang gliders. Hamas successfully disabled all communications between the kibbutzim in one hour, causing the entire Gaza Division to fly blind. The racist colonial mindset does not allow for that kind of strategic advantage by such 'primitive' and 'barbaric' adversaries.

Face it, Israel is a paper tiger, outsmarted in every way by an enemy that fears no death. Tick tock, game over soon. ⌛


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