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#BREAKING: Israeli media now CONFIRMS that it was Yahya Sinwar and his 4 companions that INITIATED the attack against an IDF patrol in the area!in other words, the Israelis did not find him, it was Sinwar who found and ambushed the IDF
Yahya Sinwar and 4 other fighters suddenly emerged from a building, running from cover to cover while throwing grenades and firing at the IDF force.
Even after getting heavily wounded, and all of his bodyguards dying, he managed to throw grenades from inside the building, forcing the IDF to retreat, before he was eventually killed.
What you see on screen represents just a small part of the reality. The most striking aspect is that the audio in any video from Gaza doesn’t even come close to capturing the real intensity and impact of the actual sound. I’ve never seen a video that truly conveys how deafening, unsettling, and terrifying the explosions of the airstrikes or the daily buzzing sounds of the zanana (drone) are. What you hear are tiny whispers compared to the true sounds of what Gazans hear.