I'm tough on Jews, yes ALL JEWS, to achieve a few things:
One: Break the fear among Gentiles of saying the word "Jew," or speaking about Jews openly—undo the mind control.
Two: Pressure them to leave their satanic religion—free them from the death cult that has gotten them killed for millenia.
Three: Exposre the left-vs-right, Zionist-vs-anti-Zionist, kosher paradigm, which allows them to maintain their supremacy over Gentile nations—destroying all Jewish Supremacists safe spaces.
Four: Get them used to criticism, which many of them deserve—they need to hear it and adjust their behavior, accordingly.
Five: Pressure those who are good and innocent to get uncomfortable and take action against those who are evil and guilty—separate the wheat from the chaff.
Six: Shatter the status quo, which currently is Jews are the only group above criticism and reproach, and everyone else is fair game—establishing true equality.
Seven: Reestablish the supreme soverignty of the Gentile nations—no Jews should rule over Gentiles, or vice versa.
Eight: Remind everyone our power is in our numbers, as we are the majority of the people on Earth; and if the majority rules, we Gentiles rule—WHAT WE SAY GOES, not the other way around.
Nine: Be an example all Gentiles should follow: fearless, honest, and compassionate—destroying the Jewish-led, neo-Nazi avatards and controlled opposition that empowers Jewish Supremacy.