Palestina - Israël

Good luck with that, Bibi. The Ramadan deadline has passed, there is thus far no IDF troop buildup around Rafah, Hamas has not been defeated and the hostages are now also starving to death, Hezbollah is stepping up its attacks in the North, the reservists have returned to their jobs leaving only a conscript army of young, unprofessional.soldiers who are no match for battle-hardened islamic warriors, the Houthis are still attacking cargo ships in the Red Sea. So how exactly will you be victorious? You will fail and turn Israel into a failed state, just like your buddy Zelensky is doing to your Khazarian homeland of Ukraine.

🇮🇱🇺🇸 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected criticism of US President Joe Biden and said that the majority of Israelis support his policies in the Gaza Strip.

“If the US president thereby believes that I am pursuing a personal policy against the wishes of the majority of Israelis and that this is harmful to the interests of Israel, then he is mistaken on both counts,” Netanyahu said in an interview with the German newspaper Bild.


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