Palestina - Israël

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Mooie bijdrage van Ezra Cohen op Telegram:

In Genesis, Jacob the son of Isaac wrestled with God. Afterwards he was named Israel. There was no Israel the state. It was a nation of children according to the promise given to Abraham. The true nation of Israel is scattered throughout the earth currently. The Zionists tried to falsely fulfill the prophecy of Ezekiel 34 via the statehood of Israel. It has not yet happened. Zionists have hijacked God's Word for their own cabal agenda. These zionists are referred to as the Synagogue of Satan 2000 years ago in the book of Revelation. All these wars are funded by the deep state with an agenda for more land. Hamas and deep state Israel and Iran are all the same coin. Just different sides. Continuing to fund them is furthering the Synagogue of Satan's agenda. There are good people in both Israel and Palestine. Don't fall for the R vs D media matrix hype.

Het gekaapte Palestina is altijd een Rothschild speeltuin geweest. Robert Jensen had er vanavond ook een mooi item over!
Omdat dingen beginnen te veranderen. Israël was het grote voorbeeld van waar de wereld naartoe ging. Die fantastische tirannie waar de DS zo van smult.

Er hangt Netanyahu nogal wat boven het hoofd.....

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Hier een ander zicht op de zaak : (ergens een reactie op een post n Telegrm)

t’s a fact not we’ll known that this reforms benefit the ppl. The Supreme Court in Israel is not elected by the ppl, they have been appointing each other for generations (cabal) and the hold the highest office in Israel, not the PM. Bibis reform would take that power away from them, in distribute it even through the judges and the PM, elected by the ppl. The kneset (supreme court) is the Rotchilds and in Israel, this is not a well known fact. The prostests are being done by woke Israel. This is not good.
The Supreme Court wants to put BB in prison for having fired the army chief that opposed his reforms and staved him in the back while bb was in the UK.
If there is someone fighting the cabal with tooth and nails is BB and he needs support
Dat waag ik zeer te betwijfelen, JVG. Bibi heeft zijn hand overspeeld en dacht wel even de tiran te kunnen spelen met een corrupt parlement. Het Israelische volk heeft hem massaal terechtgewezen. Netanyahu is zo Deep State als maar zijn kan!


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