Palestina - Israël

Several years ago while I was covering an Israeli military trade expo, a drone company representative boasted to me that their cameras can identify a Nike symbol on a shoe.

Today, the Israeli terror regime wants us to believe that drone striking these clearly marked vehicles was an “accident.”

They are genocidal liars.

After 6 months of aggression against the Palestinians, 🇮🇱:

- has not implemented counting civilian casualties at all.
- quickly destroyed or took over all hospitals (casualty collection points)
- has not provided safe haven for civilians to any degree
- has reportedly destroyed 80% of the infrastructure
- has committed dozens of war crimes, for which they…
- have been brought to international court for war crimes for
- prevents aid from entering through the Rafah border crossing
- has shot women, children, & old men
- has rounded up and taken prisoner thousands of young (potentially fighting age) men

What have I missed?

Did you know that Benjamin Netanyahu's handler is his wife Sara?

The Prime Minister of Israel and his wife signed a contract before marriage. It gives her extreme control over not only their personal finances (he can't own a credit card, for example), but he can't stay even anywhere overnight without her.

What's more insane though, is that it also gives her the authority to pick the IDF chief of staff, as well as the head of Mossad, and it also mandates that she be allowed to attend all secret government meetings with Bibi - even without a security clearance.

If he violates the contract, he has to forfeit all of his property over to her.

Why does no one ever talk about this?


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