Palestina - Israël

Klopt. Er gaan heel veel nep beelden rond net zoals bij Oekranie het geval was. Vergis je niet, ze kunnen ontzettend veel met de huidige (film) technieken. Wil niet zeggen dat daar niks gebeurt maar lang niet alles is echt. Ik heb denk ik al wat siliconen poppen voorbij zien komen.
De info war blijft ook gewoon draaien, en doet het des te beter nu iedereen in de emotionele modus zit

Remember 9/11? After the towers fell, American flags were flying on every street corner, and the US government had the unwavering support to justify invading any country, which has been followed by decades of war and military occupation.

Then down the line, we learned that what we were told about 9/11 was not the truth. The terrorists who committed the attacks were funded by our own CIA. Building 7 was demolished without being struck by a plane. Things were vastly different than they appeared on the surface level at the time.

Did terrorists really drive planes into the towers, killing thousands of innocent civilians? Yes. But were the US government innocent bystanders? No.

They orchestrated the plot, and used it to justify attacking countries with resources they wanted. AND IT WORKED! This is why I am cautious to immediately pledge my unconditional allegiance to the Israeli government, when we don’t know exactly what happened or which nefarious entities were involved in the Hamas attacks.

Did terrorists really murder and kidnap hundreds of Israeli women and children? Yes. But are the Israeli government innocent bystanders? I do not know. Did the Israeli and/or US government WANT these attacks to happen?

Did their Intelligence agencies know Hamas were planning this, and allowed them to carry it out so they could justify war? I do not know, but given we have seen the US use this exact playbook, and given Israel is essentially fully funded by the US, it’s naive to assume anything at face value. If history has taught us anything over the years, its that things are NEVER as they initially appear.
I can’t be the only one that thinks THIS is absolute INSANITY…😳⚠️🚨

For context, those are Hamas terrorists that are parachuting in to Israel to start a full blown massacre of innocent Israelis.

This feels VERY OFF.

Israel is one of the most, if not THE MOST secured, surveilled, and protected countries on earth. You mean to tell me that there was an intelligence FAILURE SO MASSIVE, that THIS was allowed to happen, AND the “Iron Dome” which protects Israel from missile attacks and has ALWAYS worked in defense, suddenly had a malfunction?!

What about the total LACK of IDF presence at the Gaza border, where they were just able to bulldoze right through with THOUSANDS of heavily armed militants, that were able to embed DEEPLY into Israel and commence a HORRENDOUS MASSACRE?!

I know it was Shabbat on a high holiday, and many were taking the day off, but that still doesn’t account for the ENDLESS failures that allowed this awful event to take place.


David Sorensen heeft via Fakebook zijn visie gedeeld over Israel/Palastina en omdat het een lap tekst is heb ik het als PDF in dit bericht gekoppeld.

Kostbare mensen, er wordt weer een verschrikkelijk vals spel gespeeld om de hele mensheid voor de gek te houden.
Lees alsjeblieft onderstaand bericht over Israël rustig door. Jaren geleden heb ik dit heel grondig onderzocht en opnieuw is het
spreekwoord 100% waar: NIETS IS WAT HET LIJKT.
Lees dit stuk alsjeblieft rustig en deel het heel breed. Dit moet echt bekend worden. Het is erg belangrijk. Dankjewel


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