This screenshot is a microcosm of conservative-Zionism.
At the top, you have an Israeli showing no sympathy for dead Palestinians.
At the bottom, you have a British-Zionist who I’m sure sees herself as a ‘patriot.’
Now if we asked the Israeli in this conversation:
“Do you think the Palestinians should be kicked off the land and for Israel to take over the entire area?”
I’m sure the reply we’d get is:
And then those millions of Palestinian refugees would be on their way to the US and Europe.
And then the ‘patriot’ will say:
“We don’t want them here! Why don’t they go to Arab countries?”
And the Arab countries will say:
“We’re not taking them in because they deserve to remain intheir land.”
And then the Israeli will stay silent because she still wants the Palestinians gone.
And then the angry Palestinian refugees who just lost their land will arrive in the US and Europe.
And then some of them, angered by their host country being complicit in the ethnic cleansing of their people, may resort to acts of terror.
In their eyes, they’ve lost it all already, so they have nothing left to lose.
And then once this happens, the Israeli will say:
“See. We fought against Islamism. The West is suffering because of those darn Muslims!”
And then the boomer Zionist-conservative will say:
“Yeah! I agree with Israel! Those darn Muslims are at it again!”
And much like we see over and over and over and over again, the retarded Zionist ‘patriot’ fails to realize that it’s the Israeli’s fault that the angry refugee is in their country in the first place!
And this is the problem with retarded conservative-Zionist fake patriots.
They support Israel because of issues Israel has created in their country, while Israel continues creating problems that may lead to more issues in their country!
And Israel has them so brainwashed that the anger will still be directed at the outcome rather than the root cause (((((Israel))))).
Israel benefits the West in precisely 0 cases, yet due to constant bombardment of propaganda from our Zionist-owned government, media, and entertainment industry, retards, who think they’re patriots, will still support them.
Israel guts our economy.
Israel makes us fight their wars.
Israel controls our politicians.
Israel has OUR soldiers die for THEM.
Israel bribes and blackmails important figures in OUR societies in order to do THEIR bidding.
Israel stages false flag attacks in OUR countries so that WE’LL fight THEIR wars.
After Israel brainwashes members of our societies, and bribes our politicians to support their wars, they then send us the angry displaced refugees.
Then Israel propagandizes our societies even further and has us direct the blame on the outcome of the problem, but not the cause.
I mean the British ‘patriot’ in this screenshot is so brainwashed that she used a gif of a child to dismiss the killing of, it says 150 Palestinians, but in reality, it was much more.
Multiple children were among the dead in Gaza today.
Do the lives of those children not matter?
Why don’t they get your sympathy?
They’ve been so programmed by Hasbara propaganda that they no longer feel sympathy for dead children.
Like, do you actually realize how insane that is?
This state can ruin the West in so many ways, and these retarded fake ‘patriots’ will even go as far as to support them killing children!
Pure lunacy, literally the worst of the worst.
Israel is Israel First and the West Last.
Zionist ‘patriots’ are also Israel First and the West Last, even if they don’t realize it.
Israel is not an ally of the West, Israel is not an enemy of the West,
Israel is THE enemy of the West.
If their ever was a war that was justified, it would be a war AGAINST Israel, not a war FOR Israel.
Anyway, I’ve seen many characters like Beth today, fake patriots of many different Western nations, and I felt like I had to write a little rant addressing it.