
rt,com 21 May, 2023 20:50
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Epstein blackmailed Bill Gates – WSJ​

The notorious pedophile reportedly threatened to reveal the tech billionaire’s affair with a younger woman
Epstein blackmailed Bill Gates – WSJ

Bill Gates speaks at a news conference during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, May 25, 2022 © AP / Markus Schreiber

Jeffrey Epsten discovered that Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates had an affair with a Russian bridge player and paid for the woman’s education before asking for reimbursement from Gates in exchange for his silence, the Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday.

Gates met Mila Antonova around 2010, when he was in his mid-50s and she was in her 20s. Epstein met her three years later and paid for her to attend a software coding school, before emailing Gates in 2017 and asking for the cost of her tuition, the newspaper claimed, citing “people familiar with the matter.”

At the time of the email, Epstein had been trying unsuccessfully to convince Gates to invest in “a multibillion dollar charitable fund” with JPMorgan Chase, the paper continued, explaining that “the implication behind the message…was that Epstein could reveal the affair if Gates didn’t keep up an association between the two men.”
A spokeswoman for Gates confirmed the exchange, stating that “Epstein tried unsuccessfully to leverage a past relationship to threaten Mr. Gates.”
Epstein papers expose his elite contacts – media
Epstein papers expose his elite contacts – media

Gates’ relationship with Epstein would eventually be the undoing of his 27-year marriage to Melinda French Gates. A year after divorcing the software magnate, French Gates told CBS News in 2022 that her ex-husband’s relationship with Epstein was “one of many things” that led to the split.

Epstein and Gates first met in 2011, after Epstein had already been convicted for soliciting a child for prostitution. The pair met “many times,” according to a 2019 New York Times report, with Gates telling colleagues that he found Epstein’s lifestyle “very different and kind of intriguing, although it would not work for me.”
Gates now describes his relationship with Epstein as “a mistake,” and told CBS News that he should have taken his ex-wife’s advice and cut ties with the child molester “sooner than I did.”

The cost of Antonova’s coding classes was “immaterial for the two men,” and Gates did not pay, the Wall Street Journal’s sources said. They described Epstein’s email as a means of telling Gates that he “knew about the affair and could expose it.”
Epstein was arrested in 2019 and charged with the sex trafficking of dozens of underage girls, but was found dead in his Manhattan jail cell before he could be brought to trial. His death was ruled a suicide, although this official explanation was met with widespread skepticism, due to his close ties to wealthy and powerful figures, including former US President Bill Clinton, current CIA Director William Burns, and Britain’s Prince Andrew.
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THIS IS PIZZAGATE: Project Veritas whistleblower, Ryan Montgomery, a cybersecurity professional, was given a tip about a disturbing website and after a bit of digging, he found a vast network of self-proclaimed pedophiles, murderers and rapists using the open Internet to prey on children. He said that pizza, cheese pizza (child porn), cooking and other words were used as pedophile code to prey on kids.
JPMorgan Chase probeerde dinsdag de schuld af te schuiven voor het niet uitbannen van seksuele misdaden gepleegd door wijlen Jeffrey Epstein, en beschuldigde de Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden ervan de in ongenade gevallen financier te huisvesten en te beschermen terwijl hij gedurende twee decennia jonge vrouwen en meisjes misbruikte.

JPMorgan zei dat Epstein een “quid pro quo”-relatie had met de hoogste functionarissen van de Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden, waarbij hij geld en gunsten schonk in ruil voor miljoenen dollars aan belastingvoordelen en zijn misdaden de andere kant op keek.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene heeft opgeroepen tot een speciale commissie om de verbanden tussen de relatie van Jeffrey Epstein met overheidsfunctionarissen en inlichtingendiensten van de overheid te onderzoeken. Ze vertelde Benny Johnson dat ze vastbesloten is om de volledige omvang van Epsteins netwerk van invloedrijke contacten bloot te leggen.

"Het Amerikaanse volk verdient het om de waarheid te weten - ik ben ervoor dat de volledige klantenlijst volledig wordt onthuld", zei Greene. "De dingen die op zijn zeer beroemde eiland zijn gebeurd, moeten worden onthuld."

IMO zijn er drie belangrijke redenen waarom machtige individuen in het bankwezen, de overheid, het onderwijs, Big Tech, Hollywood, enz. Doodstil zijn gebleven over Epstein. Dit is waarom:

- Het zijn klanten en/of mede-samenzweerders.

- Ze worden gechanteerd.

- Het zijn zwakke individuen die meer geven om het behoud van hun roem, geld en macht dan om kinderen. Wanneer u misdaden tegen kinderen aan het licht brengt, loopt u het risico een deel of alles daarvan te verliezen, en voor de meesten is het verlies van dat alles helaas niet de moeite waard voor hen.


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