
BREAKING: Prince Andrew had an orgy with "numerous" underaged girls on Jeffrey Epstein's private island in the U.S. Virgin Islands according to court documents.

We were never supposed to find out about this...

"Jane Doe 3 was forced to have s*xual relations with this Prince when she was a minor in three separate geographical locations."

"In London (at Ghislaine Maxwell’s apartment), in New York, and on Epstein’s private island in the U.S. Virgin Islands (in an orgy with numerous other under-aged girls)."

Hey @jimmykimmel —

In 2014, you chaired a Clinton Foundation forum for the Clinton Global Initiative in Arizona with Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton.

Both Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell have gone on the record and said they helped launch the Clinton Global Initiative.

In 2018, the Inspector General’s Report cited Hillary Clinton and Foundation and Crimes Against Children. The Clinton Foundation was used as a front for the Clinton’s and their associates to traffic children.

You sure have a lot of ties to child sex traffickers and Epstein associates, co-conspirators and/or clients for someone who is hysterically claiming their innocence!

Melissa Cronin, die ook onderzoek heeft gedaan naar Epstein, deed een boekje open over het bizarre gedrag van Nygard.

In de buurt van zijn huis op de Bahama’s richtte hij een bedrijf op dat stamcelonderzoek deed. Hij wilde geaborteerde foetussen van zijn zwangere vriendinnen gebruiken om hem te voorzien van stamcellen.
“Weet je wat de beste stamcellen zijn?” vroeg hij aan Suelyn. Waarop ze antwoordde: “Embryo’s.”

“Correct! Als je zwanger wordt en abortus laat plegen, kunnen we de embryonale cellen gebruiken voor je moeder en mijzelf. Veel mensen doen het,” reageerde hij.

Dat is niet wat hij zegt. Het grenst aan creepy, dat klopt, en je kunt dit er wellicht uit opmaken, maar hij zegt het niet.

Unfortunately, given what is coming out on the subject matter, we're all going to have to revisit conversations about some uncomfortable matters regarding child sex trafficking - ugly as it may be.

We owe it to all of the children who have been chewed up and spit out by this evil industry that serves the needs of elite pedophiles worldwide - as well as those currently in their grip or at risk of being abducted and cast into their dark pit of no return.

If you remember, Hillary Clinton's BFF John Podesta, had his emails obtained by and released by Wikileaks to the public. This then, of course, tied him to the infamous #PizzaGate dustup.

Now, and this is super interesting based on the massive response that followed, the fake news media oddly went into overdrive, not trying to get to the bottom of things. Nope. That's just crazy talk.

Their collective efforts were invested instead in "debunking" the whole affair as a preposterous conspiracy theory.

I challenge anyone to Google the term and see for themselves what an AMAZINGLY massive effort went into trying to claim it was all nonsense - which is weird all on its own.

Anyway, this was truly one of the most Herculean efforts ever undertaken by the industry. I've personally never seen the media so gosh darn interested in making something go away as we witnessed here.

I mean, the story involved all of these monied/known/famous names on the world stage - which makes for big ratings and views. But instead of trying to dig into things to get to the truth, pretty much all their time, effort, and $$ went into making sure everyone believed this was never true to begin with.

The sad fact is that what then transpired morphed into perhaps the largest whitewash effort in history.

Okay, so perhaps someone could explain why the Podesta brothers were really into this type of art?

Was it just an extreme/odd coincidence or is there more to the story?

If the Radical Left cares so much about women's rights, why was Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell allowed to traffic & rape all those women and children?

Why did Harvey Weinstein have 81 Oscars despite being a serial rapist?

The Obama’s had Harvey Weinstein to The White House 13 times.

Oprah & Weinstein have been friends for over 20 years!

Oprah’s good friend John of God who kidnapped, enslaved & raped teenagers & SOLD THEIR RAPE BABIES.
THAT, is evil to the extreme, & Oprah saying NOTHING, shows she has ZERO remorse for the victims. Again, evil to the extreme.

Epstein was the DNC & Clinton’s biggest Donor.

Clinton went to Epstein Island 27 times while Ghislaine Maxwell & Jeffrey Epstein had been invited to the White House over 17 times.

Oprah Winfrey, Ellen Degeneres, Tom Hanks-Rockefeller, the Obama's, Reese Witherspoon & Jennifer Anniston are all BFF's.

Then you have Geroge HW Bush & Oprah Winfrey's good friend Peter Nygard, mega fashion mogul arrested for trafficking, who's island guests were Oprah Winfrey, Robert De Nero & Prince Andrew & many more.

Oprah Winfrey of all people, who's spent the last 30 years on Tel-a-vision spreading uplifting messeges about God to her viewers.

A classic example of how sheep are so fixated on watching for the obvious wolves, only to be sheered & eaten by the shepherd at the end of the day.

It's worth noting that pretty much all the wealthy elite (including movie stars, performers, etc.) knew about what went on over on Epstein's island - even if they didn't go there themselves.

And they never said shit.

In fact, many of them are complicit in the same evil scheme here in the US and abroad.

Guaranteed none of them are sleeping well and I expect that trend to continue unabated as things progress.


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