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The bathyscaphe with the billionaires who went on the expedition to the Titanic has still not been found in the Atlantic Ocean.
The submarine Titan, with five people on board, went missing shortly after it set out early Sunday morning to explore the Titanic wreck to a depth of 4,000 meters in the North Atlantic.
OceanGate's bathyscaphe is only 6.7 meters long and 2.5 meters wide. There is no seating. Everyone sits on the floor, not even able to stretch out their legs (only one can).
It's just a box with a curtain that separates the toilet. In the same latrine is a porthole - the only window on the ship. You can only look through it if no one is occupying the toilet.
The bathyscaphe is controlled by a converted Logitech F710 gamepad via Bluetooth. Nothing else.
The only source of light on board are wall lights.
Initially, the oxygen supply is only 96 hours. (less than a day at this point).
The bathyscaphe with the billionaires who went on the expedition to the Titanic has still not been found in the Atlantic Ocean. The submarine Titan, with five people on board, went missing shortly after it set out early Sunday morning to explore the Titanic wreck to a depth of 4,000 meters in...
De brokstukken die donderdag werden gevonden zijn van de vermiste duikboot Titan. Dat heeft de Amerikaanse kustwacht bekendgemaakt. De duikboot verdween tijdens een trip naar het wrak van de Titanic en is geïmplodeerd. Er zijn geen overlevenden.