Red de schapen!

Many people keep calling out the hypocrisy of the left, and the whataboutism of our current political atmosphere where the 'Left' can get away with everything and the 'Right' is under attack for the smallest of infringements, some even created out of whole cloth. Time and time again people try and show proof to these people, only to end up in arguments and them not changing their minds, no matter the information given, and evidence proven to them.

This is a waste of time.

The Left will NOT come to see reason, they will NOT come back to the center, they WILL destroy you and will feel fully righteous and just in doing so. This is a one-way path that leads to destruction of the country or imprisonment and the loss of rights of one side in this battle.

This has happened in history, it took 80 years to correct, and we are heading full speed into the same situation. As KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov has stated (and has proven true to this point thus far):

“A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures [...] he will refuse to believe it [...] When a military boot crushes his balls then he will understand. But not before that. That’s the [tragedy] of the situation of demoralization.”

Dear #TDS Nation,

Okay, we get it. Y'all HATE Trump with a white hot passion. Great. Duly noted.

What you don't know yet, and this is REALLY gonna piss you off, is that he's going to be your President again. Better yet he's going to become VASTLY more popular (here and worldwide) too.

So, wile I know that doesn't compute in your mind but I recommend coming to grips with it now lest it hurt all that much more later on. By holding on to your anger you are choosing to destroy yourself from within.

👉Perhaps even consider preemptive counseling

Either way, this is happening/going to happen...and there isn't a damn thing anyone can do to stop it.

I encourage all of you to think long and hard on this one. None of you will be able to say that you weren't warned ahead of time that this was going to happen.

Best of luck!
You're gonna need it. 😄


Meestal goed.. vaak zoek ik een gaatje in hun normiewall om toch maar weer een vraag te stellen waar ze mee naar huis gaan.

Wat nu met de Israël situatie zichtbaar wordt is wie v d wakkeren waar staat. Daar zie ik dat sommigen zo in hun geloofsovertuiging dat het spel achter de schermen niet aanvaard kan worden. Niet dat ik de wijsheid in pacht heb hoe het allemaal zit maar ik/ je kan toch wel de gelijkenissen zien met de crisissen v d laatste jaren.

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