
Dit staat er toch : P3UT-ON ACH3T3R L4 LIB3RT3 ?

Manifestatie voor de vrijheid in Frankrijk, vrij van pas sanitaire/gouvermentele dictatuur. Peut on acheter la liberté ? Kunnen we de vrijheid kopen ? dmv prik, coronapas, digital ID

Wat niet wegneemt dat Putin met zijn werk in Ucraine de wereld bevrijd van nazis, biolabs, ed en zodoende uiteraard ook meehelpt aan het bekomen van die vrijheid.

Maar ik veronderstel dat de persoon die dat gemaakt heeft niet zo ver heeft nagedacht, en dan eerder had geschreven : P UT- N ACH3T3 L4 LIB3RT3 ?, Putin achète la liberté ?
ga het volgende week vragen aan de persoon die ze uitdeelde, had een hele stapel, ..

3 Apr, 2022 16:29
HomeRussia & FSU

Russia comments on Ukraine peace deal status​

Kiev has started to treat some issues “more realistically,” the chief Russian negotiator claims
Russia comments on Ukraine peace deal status

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gives a speech to welcome the Russian,and Ukrainian delegations ahead of their talks in Istanbul. © AP / Turkish Presidency
There’s been some progress in the peace talks between Moscow and Kiev, but the draft deal isn’t yet ready to be submitted for a meeting at the highest level, Vladimir Medinsky, who heads the team of Russian negotiators, has said.
“The Ukrainian side has become more realistic in its approach to issues related to the neutral and non-nuclear status of Ukraine,” Medinsky wrote on Telegram on Sunday.
There’s also understanding between Moscow and Kiev on the need to create a “system of international security guarantees for a neutral Ukraine,” he added.
Medinsky said that among other things agreed-on by the sides during the talks in Istanbul last week were Kiev’s abstention from the deployment of foreign troops, bases and any offensive strike weapons on Ukrainian territory, the fielding and production of weapons of mass destruction, and the staging of drills with foreign militaries without consent from guarantor states, including Russia.
However, Medinsky disagreed with Ukraine’s top negotiator David Arakhamia, who’d earlier claimed that Moscow accepted Kiev’s stance on all points except for the Crimea issue.
Italy ready to guarantee Ukraine’s neutral status
Italy ready to guarantee Ukraine’s neutral status

“I object,” the Russian wrote, insisting that Moscow’s position on the status of Crimea and the republics of Donetsk and Lugansk remained “unchanged.”
Moscow is demanding that Kiev officially recognize Crimea as part of Russia and the republics in Donbass as independent states. Crimea voted to leave Ukraine and rejoin Russia shortly after the 2014 Maidan coup in Kiev. During the recent talks in Istanbul the Ukrainian delegation promised that Kiev won’t be making attempts to return the Donbass republics by force, and suggested holding separate negotiations on the status of Crimea over the course of 15 years.
Medinsky also said that he didn’t share Arakhamia’s optimism on the state of readiness of the draft peace deal, insisting that “it wasn’t yet fit to be submitted to a highest-level meeting.”
Kiev has been pushing for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to hold face-to-face talks with Vladimir Putin. Moscow didn’t rule out such a summit, but insisted that it should only be held if the two leaders are going to sign an actual agreement.
US and Germany reveal attitudes to Ukrainian security guarantees
US and Germany reveal attitudes to Ukrainian security guarantees

Russia’s top negotiator also pointed out the Ukrainian side has been “lagging far behind in confirming the text of the wording of the draft, even regarding those agreements that have already been reached at the political level.”
The Russian and Ukrainian negotiators were busy finalizing the text of the peace treaty on Friday and Saturday via a video-conference, and they’re planning to continue this work on Monday, Medinsky said.
Russia attacked its neighbor in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements signed in 2014, and Russia’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics in Donetsk and Lugansk. The German and French brokered protocols had been designed to regularize the status of those regions within the Ukrainian state.
Russia has now demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the breakaway republics by force.
4 Apr, 2022 09:04
HomeBusiness News

Baltic state may agree to pay for Russian gas in rubles​

A Latvian gas operator says the procedure doesn’t breach Western sanctions
Baltic state may agree to pay for Russian gas in rubles

© Getty Images / blinow61

Latvia’s main gas operator says it won’t rule out paying for Russian natural gas in rubles, revealing that the new settlement method announced by Moscow is being evaluated from a legal and business perspective.
“According to the first impression, the settlement procedure in Russian rubles does not formally violate the sanctions regime and is possible,” Latvijas Gaze said in a statement.
Earlier, Aigars Kalvitis, the board chairman of Latvijas Gaze, which is partially owned by Russia’s Gazprom, said the company couldn’t pay for natural gas supplies from Russia in rubles, since the current contract stipulates that all transactions must be made in euro.
Slovakia agrees to pay for Russian gas in rublesREAD MORE: Slovakia agrees to pay for Russian gas in rubles

Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the government to take necessary steps to switch all payments for gas sales involving “hostile” countries to Russian currency from April 1. According to the Kremlin, the change concerns nations that imposed sanctions against Russia with the intention of damaging the country’s economy, which includes most EU member states.
Putin warned EU countries that they would need to set up ruble accounts to pay for Russian gas, saying that existing contracts would be halted if the payments were not made.
On Saturday, the head of Latvia’s natural gas storage operator Conexus Baltic Grid said that all the Baltic states – Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania – were no longer importing Russian natural gas.
4 Apr, 2022 13:02
HomeRussia & FSU

Russian ambassadors expelled​

Lithuania and Latvia have also recalled their diplomatic representatives from Moscow
Russian ambassadors expelled

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis. © AFP / Michal Cizek

Lithuania has announced its decision to downgrade the level of its diplomatic relations with Russia, ordering Moscow’s ambassador to leave the Baltic state.
The country’s foreign minister, Gabrielius Landsbergis, announced on Monday that Lithuania’s diplomatic representative would also be recalled from Moscow in the coming days.
Vilnius also decided to shut down the Russian consulate in the city of Klaipeda.
In response to Russia’s relentless aggressive actions in Ukraine, the Lithuanian government has made the decision to downgrade the status of diplomatic representation,” Landsbergis said, speaking to journalists. “The Russian ambassador will have to leave Lithuania,” he added.

Geniaal dit. Als alleen (selectieve) verontwaardiging mag maar geen feiten laten ze zich behoorlijk in de kaarten kijken. De feiten winnen nl. altijd. Maar Russen waren altijd al goed in schaken...

🇪🇺🇷🇺⚡️The European Commission will propose to ban the import of coal from the Russian Federation, the supply of new equipment to Russia, close sea and land borders for Russian carriers - The Wall Street Journal

🇪🇺🇷🇺⚡️EU will propose to impose a restriction on the import of potash salt from Russia - The Wall Street Journal, citing diplomats
Estland, Letland, Slovenië en de EU zetten Russische diplomaten uit.

Ik hoor net via de radio dat Zelensky wil dat Rusland uit de VN-veiligheidsraad wordt gezet vanwege wat er in Bucha is gebeurt. 🤡 Hij vergelijkt de gruwelen van Bucha met de gruwelen van IS.

Meer tekst uit het artikel te lezen via bovenstaande link ☝️
Russische expert legt uit waarom de embargo’s het beleid van het Kremlin ten aanzien van Oekraïne niet zullen veranderen

Door Ivan Timofeev, Valdai Club-programmadirecteur en een van Ruslands toonaangevende experts op het gebied van buitenlands beleid.

Het is nu meer dan een maand geleden dat een tsunami van westerse sancties Rusland trof.

Hun ongekende schaal is een opvallend kenmerk. Alle belangrijke industrieën worden aangevallen. De reserves van Rusland in het buitenland zijn bevroren. Er zijn strenge controlemaatregelen opgelegd aan de export, vooral als het gaat om technologie en industriële goederen.

Dit alles gebeurde in een zeer korte tijd. Zoiets is in de Russische geschiedenis slechts één keer eerder voorgekomen – na de bolsjewistische revolutie van 1917. Zelfs tijdens de Koude Oorlog was het IJzeren Gordijn geleidelijk aan aan het eroderen, maar nu wordt het actief herbouwd.

Een andere bijzonderheid is de ijver waarmee het westerse bedrijfsleven de sancties doorzet, vaak op de politiek vooruitlopend. Bedrijven probeerden eerder weg te blijven van de politiek, en nu boycotten bedrijven zelfs die sectoren die niet officieel zijn gesanctioneerd – van de fastfoodindustrie en de meubelhandel tot het weigeren van toegang tot academische publicaties.

Deze boycots veranderen in de cultuur van “Cancel Russia”, wanneer alles wat Russisch is aan banden wordt gelegd. Het confisqueren van vermogensbestanddelen in het buitenland zonder enige juridische procedure valt in dezelfde categorie.


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