
🇷🇺 After 2 months of a special military operation in Ukraine, the rating of President Vladimir Putin is 80%.

The West's bet that the people of Russia would not support the army, the president, and the special military operation did not work in Ukraine. On the contrary, there was an internal unity in the face of a serious external threat.

🇷🇺🇺🇦Russia has not received a response from Ukraine to its proposals, Lavrov said.

The Foreign Minister said that negotiations between Moscow and Kiev have stalled.

He noted that Russia will not tolerate ultimatums from Ukraine, and Zelensky, making statements, does not always understand what is at stake.

🇺🇸🇷🇺The collective West could not abandon Russian oil.

His companies decided to secretly buy "black gold" through "leftist" schemes.

This is the conclusion reached by The Wall Street Journal, having studied the tanker routes.

And for this:

– small vessels marked "destination unknown" are used, oil from which is mixed on large tankers.

– "legal" Latvian and Turkmen mixtures are being purchased, almost half consisting of Russian oil.

▪️If the Russian oil in the "mix" is less than 50%, then it is no longer considered Russian

The total export of Russian "black gold" to the EU in April increased to 1.6 million barrels per day compared to 1.3 million in March.

Mix, but do not shake. And it's legal.

The US is preparing a provocation to blame the Russian military.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, it is most likely that a provocation may occur at chemical and biological facilities in Kharkiv and Kiev, a provocation at the Zaporozhye NPP is not excluded.

In addition, Kiev is seriously considering the issue of strikes on the storage of radioactive waste in the village of Kamenskoye.

The probability of staging is confirmed by the facts of the supply of antidotes of toxic substances to Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense noted.

The purpose of the provocation is to put pressure on India and China to join the anti—Russian sanctions.

The cancellation of the assault on Azovstal disrupted the provocation of the West with weapons of mass destruction.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, one of the scenarios of provocations that the United States and NATO countries were preparing to accuse Russia of using weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine implied "covert use" to solve an operational task at the Mariupol plant.

🇪🇺🇵🇱The Polish Prime Minister decided to hit the minds of Europeans with billboards.

Cars with anti-Russian posters should make Europe think more about Ukraine.

The main goal of the campaign will be "prosperous" Germany, France, Italy and Spain, Prime Minister Morawiecki said.

Let us remind you that in Germany they offered to eat less meat, in France – not to heat houses, in Italy – restrictions on water temperature were introduced, and in Spain – they do not sell more than one bottle of oil in one hand.

Who will win — fears of a crisis and food shortages or anti-Russian billboards led by Moravetsky?

🇺🇸🇷🇺Russia was able to withstand the blow of sanctions of the collective West — CNN.

Experts interviewed by the publication recognize the effectiveness of measures taken by Russia to combat the consequences of restrictions.

▪️New jobs are being created in the public sector.

The Russian automotive industry is switching to domestic components, and foreign payment systems are quickly being replaced by Mir.

The collapse of the financial system did not occur due to the measures of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which raised the rate and introduced capital controls.

Not so long ago, Putin said that the Russian economy had withstood unprecedented pressure from sanctions from the West.

Poetin in 2007 over veranderende geopolitiek, nucleaire non-proliferatie en internationale veiligheid.

In een brandstofdepot in de omgeving van de Russische stad Brjansk, op zo’n 150 kilometer van de Oekraïense grens, is brand uitgebroken. Brjansk vormt een logistieke basis voor het offensief dat het Russische leger uitvoert in Oekraïne.

Het depot is van het staatsbedrijf Transneft, dat oliepijpleidingen beheert. Eerder voerde het Oekraïense leger aanvallen uit op een dorp bij Brjansk. En begin deze maand zei de gouverneur van grensregio Belgorod dat Oekraïense helikopters een brandstofdepot hadden aangevallen.

Twee spoorlijnen verwoest​

Na deze aanval op Russisch grondgebied heeft Rusland geprobeerd een enorme hoeveelheid dodelijke wapens die uit Polen kwamen te vernietigen en de doorgang ervan te stoppen, laat journalist Sonja van den Ende weten. Ze reist al enige tijd mee met het Russische leger.

In de regio Rivne zijn twee spoorlijnen door het Russische leger verwoest, zo heeft het hoofd van de regio bevestigd. De mainstream media melden dat in Oekraïne vijf spoorwegstations onder vuur zijn komen te liggen. Daarbij zou een onbekend aantal slachtoffers zijn gevallen. De stations liggen in West- en Centraal-Oekraïne.

Van den Ende merkt op dat de stations worden gebruikt om militair materieel op te slaan. Het gaat daarbij om zware wapens die vanuit NAVO-landen naar Oekraïne zijn gestuurd, aldus de journalist.

Uit de buurt blijven​

Volgens Van den Ende is voor 800 miljoen dollar aan dodelijke Amerikaanse wapens onderweg naar het land. Deze wapens mogen de rivier de Dnjepr niet oversteken, werd zondag gewaarschuwd.

Die dag werden Oekraïners opgeroepen uit de buurt te blijven van treinstations in het westen van Oekraïne. Het materieel zou met Amerikaanse militaire vrachtvliegtuigen naar Polen zijn gebracht en per spoor naar Oekraïne worden vervoerd.
🇱🇻🇺🇦In Latvia, they are afraid to give dual citizenship to Ukrainians, so as not to accidentally help Russians.

The leader of the Latvian National Association Dzintars rejected the idea of the Progressive party to grant dual citizenship to Ukrainian refugees.

▪️Why? The answer is simple — after that, "non-citizens" will be able to automatically apply for citizenship of Latvia.

However, the party will "definitely not allow this." After all, most of the "non—citizens" are Russians.

Today, about 10% of the population of Latvia are "non-citizens" who have 84 restrictions in their rights. They cannot participate in elections and have limited social guarantees.

🇷🇺🇪🇺The destination is unknown.

Or how the West is still buying Russian oil.

In April, Russia increased daily oil exports by tankers to Europe to 1.6 million barrels compared to 1.3 million in March, the Wall Street Journal reports.

▪️About 40% of deliveries were sent marked "destination unknown".

Experts believe that this is how oil is delivered to the sea on larger tankers, where it is mixed with another. The "Latvian" and "Turkmen" mixtures are already known.


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