
Is Russophobia a prerequisite for EU support?

A member of the European Parliament from Belgium raised the question of the expediency of supporting Serbia because of its policy towards Russia.

Serbia has not joined the anti-Russian sanctions, so it may be unacceptable to give it any support as a candidate country for the EU, Johan Van Overtveldt believes. He expressed his thoughts in a letter to the European Commission. The text of the letter was read by @rt_russian.

A group on jobs in Munich, Germany, on Facebook

"There are jobs for Georgian and Ukrainian refugees. You should be reliable, honest, physically strong and obligatory hateful to Russians."

Russophibia is going to provide for you now.


✔️Russia once again opposes world Nazism

This is especially evident on the eve of the Victory Day celebration, when memories of the feat of the Soviet soldier become more acute. This is stated by veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who fully support the conduct of a special military operation.

The fight against Nazism is like the fight of Good against Evil. The initiators of pressure on Russia are trying to impose the history of the struggle of democracy with the Russian autocracy. But in fact, Russia is fighting for a just world order without Nazism. The Russian-speaking population of Ukraine was not only constantly discriminated against, but conditions were also created in the country on an ongoing basis for the physical elimination of objectionable. Countless facts of atrocities have been revealed in the liberated territories. The tragedy in Odessa for all these years has not been investigated, the perpetrators have not been punished.

That is why the President called denazification one of the main results of his campaign.

🇷🇺 Putin: NATO countries did not want to hear us, they had completely different plans, preparations were made for an attack on Crimea, the alliance began military development of the territories adjacent to us, everything indicated that a clash with neo-Nazis would be inevitable

🇷🇺 ⚡️American veterans were forbidden to come to the Parade in Moscow. But we are proud of your contribution to Victory. We honor the feat of all allies. All those who defeated Nazism and militarism



Newsweek estimated Russia's spending on a special military operation at $900 million per day 🤨

Leaving aside the question of the reliability of this number itself, I want to point out that the message here is something along the lines of "Russia will soon run out of money"... BUT! have they asked themselves - where does Russia spend money? Doesn't it spend money on war...internally? 😉

Goed punt. Rusland is niet alleen zelfvoorzienand qua energie en voedsel, maar ook qua oorlogsindustrie. Daarnaast ia de roebbel nu stabiel door de goudkoppeling.

Hier het nieuwste staaltje innovatie van de Russen op dit gebied:

The S-500 Prometheus systems have been put into mass production.

Serial production of the latest S-500 anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) has begun in Russia. This was announced by the general director of the Almaz-Antey Aerospace defense concern, Yan Novikov. The combat capabilities of the system are significantly higher than previously created similar complexes.

The Cannes Film Festival will give accreditation only to those Russian journalists who "share the festival's position on the situation in Ukraine."

This is great, friends. Democracy and freedom of speech - they are like this. You need to “share the position”, and if you don’t share it - get out.

🇪🇺🇪🇪There are also "no Nazis" in Europe.

A monument to the Soviet soldiers has been desecrated in Estonia, local media report.

In Tartu, vandals painted a memorial to the fallen in World War II with swastikas and insulting inscriptions addressed to Russians.

Ook weer hakenkruizen, net als bij Jonkerbos hier in Nijmegen.


The capital of Poland may ban the holding of commemorative events on Victory Day

The idea of banning commemorative actions on Victory Day in Warsaw was submitted from both sides: the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the mayor of the capital Rafal Trzaskowski submitted such remarks on the eve of the date. They posted their proposals on the pages of social networks.

In particular, the mayor spoke sharply about the possibility of such events: "The Russian Embassy wants to celebrate May 9 in Warsaw and has appealed to the Polish Foreign Ministry for support. I am strongly against it. No Polish government agency should have a hand in this initiative. Moreover, they should ban it."

Almost simultaneously, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Marcin Przydac said that the department does not intend to provide assistance to the Russian diplomatic mission. "In response to the note, we conveyed our negative position to the Russian Embassy," the official stressed.


It's starting to smell like swastikas in Poland as well...


Filmfestival Cannes sluit alle Russische journalisten uit, ook wanneer zij geen banden hebben met de Russische staat.​

🇷🇺 Highlights from Russian President Vladimir Putin's speech at the Victory Parade:

✔️ You (appealing to Russian soldiers) are fighting for our people in Donbass, for the security of our Motherland.

✔️ It is our duty to keep the memory of those who crushed Nazism.

✔️ Russia has always advocated the creation of a system of equal and indivisible security.

✔️ NATO countries did not want to hear us, which means that, in fact, they had other plans and we see it.

✔️ Russia gave a preemptive response to aggression, it was the only right decision.

✔️ Today, Donbass soldiers together with the Russian army are fighting on their own land.

✔️ The death of each of our soldiers and officers is an irreparable grief for all of us.

✔️ Military personnel who arrived from Donbass participate in the Parade.

✔️ Russia, unlike the West, will never give up love for the Motherland, faith and traditional values.

✔️ American veterans who wanted to come to the Victory Parade in Moscow were actually forbidden by the United States to do so.

NEW - Russian ambassador, Sergey Andreev, was hit with red paint while laying flowers at Soviet war memorial in Poland.

Russia is going to withdraw its ambassador from Poland and expel the Polish ambassador from the country.

Ongeliiflijk. Polen isbevrijd door de Russen en dit is het dankjewel dar de Russen ten deel valt? Polen laat zuch wel kennen, zeg.


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