
Benghazi gaat de ondergang worden van Hillary Clinton. Als ook Fox begint te berichten dat Hillary vooraf op de hoogte was van de aanval op het consulaat in Benghazi (Libie), dan weet je dat dit het begin van het einde is:

In short, Clinton personally knew that attack by Al Qaeda that ended in the gruesome deaths of four Americans to basically cover up an international Fast and Furious was not because of some stupid Youtube video — but she stood up and lied to the entire nation with a ridiculous, barely believable cover story anyway and with a straight face.

But HEY! Let’s make her president! She’s a big fat liar, seems she’s pretty qualified for the job.

It is not peace if a woman gets raped in the middle of the street, and while she is screaming for help, her neighbors are scared to even open their doors.

It is not peace when old people are dying, abandoned and surrounded by suddenly useless memories, totally alone.

It is not peace when the murder rate in some city or neighborhood reaches that of a war zone. It is not peace when life expectancy is hanging somewhere around 40 years.

It is not peace when people live in constant fear of losing their house, their job, and all basic necessities.

It is not peace when members of minorities are treated like animals, killed by police, discriminated against at every strep of their lives.

If someone asks me to define war, allowing me to use only one word, without even thinking I would reply “fear”.

It is not peace when society is petrified!


Peace, Mr. Ban Ki Moon, is that serene surface of the lake lost deep in the forest, so brilliantly depicted by your traditional artists.

Peace is when a mother sings a lullaby to her child, unhurriedly, offering her entire heart.

Peace is when people know that if they become ill there will be doctors ready to fight for their lives, free of charge, no matter what effort it takes, no matter what equipment it requires and what cost it incurs.

Peace is when human life matters more than anything else, much more than power and profits.

Peace is when every citizen knows that knowledge is free, and that it constitutes a basic human right. Peace is when knowledge is valued and respected and admired.

Peace is when women can leave their houses freely, without being terrified.

Peace is knowledge that somewhere there, in that big government building, sit decent human beings, not perfect, but decent, working hard to improve the welfare of the people.

Peace is faith that life is improving, that humanity is marching forward.

Peace is kindness. It is compassion and solidarity.

Peace is certainty that there are several basic certainties, and that there will be more of them with each coming year.

Peace is when the entire body relaxes, the mind opens and the heart begins beating regularly.

Peace is that smile which appears on our faces, when we know that something pleasant is ahead of us, or when we see the beautiful colors of pristine nature.

Peace is in beauty and in reciprocated love.

But above all, Peace is lack of fear.

Zo waar...

Netanyahu - haatzaaiende racist, massamoordenaar, pathologische leugenaar:

Israelische vuurbommen op Palestijnse gewassen in het noorden van Gaza:

Telkens als je denkt dat het niet zieker kan, leggen de Khazaren de psychopathische lat weer een stukje hoger!

Is de historische stad Palmyra werkelijk volledig ingenomen door ISIS?

As I write, I am informing NSNBC, that there is a very violent battle going on at the city center. The Palmyra ruins remain in the hands of the Syrian Army.

Wat is er eigenlijk zo bijzonder aan Palmyra?

While Palmyra has absolutely no value whatsoever to Islam, Christianity or even to ISIS as an ‘Islamic group’, it holds a TREMENDOUS significance for the Jews and Judaism.

10 dagen voordat de Amerikaanse ambassade in Benghazi (LIbie) werd aangevallen door 'Al Qaeda' wist het Amerikaanse Ministerie van Defensie al dat dit te gebeuren stond:

Ook was men op de hoogte van wapenleveranties via deze ambassade aan Syrische strijders, om het regime van Assad omver te werpen. Ik berichtte hierover al ruim een jaar geleden!

Een 10-jarige Palestijnse jongen verkeert in kritieke toestand nadat Israelische soldaten op hem hadden geschoten met rubberen kogels:

En Palestijnse kinderen kunnen maar beter niet in een israelische gevangenis terechtkomen:

De dagen van de fascistische Patriot Act in Amerika zijn nu echt geteld:

Poetin vertelt de waarheid over de oorlog in Tsjetjenie:

Putin stated that the terror in Chechnya and in the Russian Caucasus in the early 1990’s was actively backed by the CIA and western Intelligence services to deliberately weaken Russia. He noted that the Russian FSB foreign intelligence had documentation of the US covert role without giving details.

Steeds meer Europese parlementariers zijn het wangedrag van Israel beu:


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