Mike je kijkt je een beetje blind op het verdedigen van jezelf, want toen ik je megalomaan noemde was het maar een voorbeeld van hoe makkelijk je iemand ad hominem kan veroordelen en zodoende afdwaalt van de inhoud van de discussie. Was dus niet serieus bedoeld, dus ik denk dat je goeie intuitie even haperde op het doorhebben van sarcasme. Wat ik zeg interpreteer je trouwens verkeerd en vult dingen voor me in. Het argument dat ik en "mijn bronnen" alles aan elkaar redeneren werkt andersom ook en hebben we dus niks aan. Intuitie is een te speculatief begrip waarmee je alleen overmatig zweverige types aan je kant krijgt. Het argument "want mijn intuitie zegt dat" is te makkelijk en maakt op mij geen indruk. Je doet ook alsof Dave Hodges mijn ultieme bron van waarheid is. Waar heb je het over? Je legt mij dingen in de mond en beticht me van dingen zonder ook maar eerst te vragen wat ik er dan precies van vind. Waarom zo happig? Bij sommige artikelen op Dave Hodges denk ik ook van ok dit klopt niet en comment daar ook over, maar jij maakt het alsof ik het als absoluut beschouw. Ook dat christelijke gedoe kan ik bij zuchten en dan krijg je weer een passage voor de kiezen, maar goed. Dan verval je weer in ad hominem aanvallen "jong en naief" "zelfde golflengte", nergens voor nodig en leidt er meestal tot dat een discussie ontspoort en zoals ik hiervoor zei compleet ongepast omdat je aanname ervoor voorbarig en incorrect is.
Wat het artikel betreft lijkt het erop dat je het eerste beste argument hebt gepakt dat bij je in de smaak valt.
We zien staan: "(excerpts from World Affairs Brief, by Joel Skousen, 1/24/14)"
Wie is joel skousen?
"Joel Skousen is a political scientist, by training, specializing in the philosophy of law and Constitutional theory, and is also a designer of high security residences and retreats. "
"Joel was raised in Oregon and later served as a fighter pilot for the US Marine Corps during the Vietnam era prior to beginning his design firm specializing in high security residences and retreats. During the 80's he took a leave of absence to serve as the Chairman of the Conservative National Committee in Washington DC. and concurrently served as the Executive Editor of Conservative Digest."
Militaire en "DC" banden, maar nothing too damning. Wat interessant is is zijn familie: Oom Willard Cleon Skousen en neven Mark en Paul skousen.
"Willard Cleon Skousen (1913-2006) was an author and conservative political theorist. He joined the FBI as a clerk in 1935 and became a special agent in 1940. In 1951, he voluntarily resigned from the Bureau."
"Willard Cleon Skousen (January 20, 1913 – January 9, 2006) was an American author, conservative American constitutionalist and faith-based political theorist.[1] He was also a prolific popularizer among Latter-day Saints (Mormons) (LDS) of their theology. A notable anti-communist and supporter of the
John Birch Society,[2] Skousen's works involved a wide range of subjects including the Six-Day War, Mormon eschatology, New World Order conspiracies, and parenting.[3] His most popular works are The 5,000 Year Leap and The Naked Communist. A book by Skousen on end times prophecy, The Cleansing of America, was published by Valor Publishing Group in 2010, four years after his death.[4]"
"Throughout the 1960s, Skousen was also admired by members and leaders of the
John Birch Society, although members of the more mainstream conservative movement and the American Security Council[3] snubbed him out of fear that his controversial views would hurt the credibility of the conservative movement. Skousen used Birch Society magazines as source and reference material,[7] and was pictured on the cover of its magazine, American Interest. Although he was never officially a member of the organization, he was a member of its speakers' bureau and lectured at
John Birch Society events throughout the United States for many years."
"On the John Birch Society...
JBS was setup by Nelson Rockefeller. I knew two people at the original meeting. They needed a right-wing, anti-communist organization. NR decided that Robert Welch was the man to run JBS, so he arranged for the sale of Welch's Candy Co. (where Robert Welch had been working for his brother John) to Nabisco (which was a Rockefeller controlled company) at a highly inflated price and Welch was given an income to run the John Birch Society.
Revilo Oliver was a good friend of mine and he was one of the founders of the JBS. He and I were sitting in his living room once and he told me that he knew Nelson Rockefeller ran the Birch Society because he had a revolving fund at Chase Manhattan Bank, and whenever Welch needed a quarter million dollars to meet the payroll, he'd go to CMB and withdraw the money.
Oliver told you that?
Himself. One of the founders, can't ask for better authority than that."
"Eustace Mullins
Eustace Clarence Mullins (Roanoke (Virginia), 9 maart 1923 - Waller County (Texas), 2 februari 2010) was een Amerikaans schrijver, onderzoeker, schilder, fotograaf, dichter en essayist.
Eustace Mullins was een protegé van Ezra Pound, de Amerikaanse dichter en essayist. Hij bezocht Pound vanaf april 1949 tijdens diens gedwongen verblijf in een psychiatrische kliniek. Volgens Mullins was Pound op grond van politieke overwegingen zonder proces gevangengezet door president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, uit angst dat Pound zou doorgaan met het verspreiden van zijn mening over "het verraad van Roosevelt en de bankierswereld", die lang van tevoren geweten zouden hebben van de Japanse aanval op Pearl Harbor om de VS te betrekken bij de voor hen lucratieve Tweede Wereldoorlog, waarin alle partijen, ook Hitler en Japan, vrijwel volledig gefinancierd werden door de grote bankiersfamilies Rothschild, Warburg, Oppenheimer, Schiff, Rockefeller, etc. In opdracht van Pound onderzocht Mullins tussen 1949 en 1952 The Federal Reserve, de centrale bank van de VS die de Rothschilds volgens hem via samenzwering, omkoping en chantage tijdens het kerstreces van 1913 opgericht hadden weten te krijgen.
Mullins schreef onder meer voor American Free Press, The Spectrum Magazine, Criminal Politics, en de Barnes Review.
Eustace Mullins was een fervent tegenstander van de Federal Reserve, die volgens het door hem gepubliceerde bewijsmateriaal sinds 1913 op onwettige wijze in het bezit was van banken en van particuliere aandeelhouders, via het aandeelhouderschap in de 12 plaatselijke afdelingen van de Federal Reserve. In Mullins' lijst staan Banque Lazard, Kuhn, Loeb & Co, J.P. Morgan & Co., Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, NM Rothschild & Sons, Israel Sieff, Paul Warburg en de familie Rockefeller. Het uitgebreid gedocumenteerde onderzoek van Eustace Mullins toont aan dat bankiersfamilies het economische, juridische, medische en politieke leven van de Verenigde Staten beheersen en controleren, met als spin in het web The Federal Reserve van de Rothschilds."
Familiaire Rockefeller banden via zijn oom via de JBS society dus.
Hoe zit het met zijn neven?
"Mark Skousen (Ph. D., economics, George Washington University) was recently named one of the top 20 living economists in the world (www.superscholar.org). In 2014, he was appointed a Presidential Fellow at Chapman University in California.
He has the unique distinction of having worked for the government
(CIA), non-profits (president of FEE), and several for-profit companies. In 2004-05, he taught economics and finance at Columbia Business School and Columbia University. He has also taught economics, finance and business at Barnard, Mercy and Rollins colleges, and Chapman University. "
"His latest book is A Viennese Waltz Down Wall Street:
Austrian Economics for Investors (LFB Publishers)."
"Known as the “maverick” of economics for his contrarian and optimistic views, his sometimes-outrageous statements and predictions, Mark Skousen is known and respected for his unique sense of market and investment trends in the financial world. With a Ph.D. in economics and a focus on the principles of free-market capitalism and
“Austrian” economics, Mark Skousen has often gone contrary to the crowd in his investment choices and economic predictions — and has often been proved right."
CIA en austrian economics.
"So the Mises family has a strong connection to the Occulted Powers (the “royals”), and Ludwig himself was brought to America by the leading architects of the New World Order, the Rockefellers. According to this article from The Independent Institute…
“Many readers may be surprised to learn the extent to which the Graduate Institute and then Mises himself in the years immediately after he came to United States were kept afloat financially through generous grants from the Rockefeller Foundation. In fact, for the first years of Mises’s life in the United States, before his appointment as a visiting professor in the Graduate School of Business Administration at New York University (NYU) in 1945, he was almost totally dependent on annual research grants from the Rockefeller Foundation. Even after he finally landed the position at NYU, where he remained only a visiting professor until his retirement in 1969, his salary was paid for not by NYU, but from funds contributed by generous private supporters.”
With Ludwig von Mises’ intimate connections to the European “royals” and the Rockefellers established, it is informative to look at who is pushing his theories today."
Paul, Farrage, Le Pen en tevens Mark en Paul Skousen dus. Ik heb ook een kleine link tussen Wilders en het Mises instituut namelijk een arabist die lid is van het Mises instituut wie voor Wilders getuigd heeft in zijn "haatzaai proces".
Hoe zit het met Paul skousen dan?
Paul Skousen is a son of W. Cleon Skousen, and is a writer of popular books including The Naked Socialist. He has written other books aimed at the Mormon (LDS) market.
"Skousen studied at Brigham Young University in communications and journalism, and at Georgetown University in national security studies.
He worked as a military analyst, trainer and watch officer for the Central Intelligence Agency, and as an intelligence officer for two years in the White House Situation Room during the Reagan Administration. He and his wife, the former Kathy Bradshaw, are the parents of ten children."
Wederom CIA banden.
Ik vertrouw dat artikel en de Skousen familie niet!
"One of the great things about regular folks like you and me is that we are generally trusting and ready to take a person at his/her word. Unfortunately, this great quality is also a great weakness when dealing with people with forked tongues and impure aims, like the globalists. To help us get past this self-destructive habit of extending unearned trust, allow me to offer…
Ken’s First Rule for Not Being a Sucker: When a “former” insider comes forth to offer you information and interpretation, don’t discount the likelihood that the former insider is a current insider tasked with misleading you.
This would seem to be a rather commonsense rule, but for some reason it is ignored when “insiders” bend our ears to tell us supposed secrets and give us a heads-up on what’s really going on and what it means. The alternative media is chock full of talking heads who are purported “former” insiders at the FBI, CIA, NSA, World Bank, Treasury, Wall Street, and so on. There are even some purported current insiders who go through the rube-impressing pretense of disguising their voices and using code names. And what are virtually all of these guys telling us? They tell us how bad are the US and the West while either ignoring or promoting China and the East. In other words, they are establishing the Bad Cop and the Good Cop so the globalists can run their governance reform scam.
Take Paul Craig Roberts for example:
> He is a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy.
> He is a former editor at the Wall Street Journal.
> He was the “first occupant of the William E. Simon Chair for Economic Policy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies [CSIS], then part of Georgetown University.” It’s worth noting that Georgetown is a Jesuit institution, and the Board of Trustees of CSIS includes Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and representatives of Exxon Mobil, Boeing, Coca Cola, AIG, GlaxoSmithKline, and Morgan Stanley (to name a few).
Looking at the high positions this guy has held in the Washington/Wall Street Establishment, ask yourself this: “Is PCR really going against all of his lifelong associates or is he simply carrying water for them like he always has?” If you put together his background, his gang sign, and the nature of his information, what does common sense tell you?"
Hetzelfde geld voor de Skousens. CIA, politieke "dc", Rockefeller funded instituten(JBS, Mises), familiaire banden.
Wat dat blog betreft, de eigenaar(Steven Garren) had wat gecopy/past van dat originele artikel en hoeft dus niet perse 100% achter joel skousen te staan of te weten van zijn louche achtergrond. Dit artikel waar hij naart linkt heeft me daarentegen wel aan het denken gezet en een goeie nieuwe invalshoek geboden een die ik zeker in overweging neem!
"If the military wanted to keep Jade Helm secret, it could have been kept secret. The decision to run a mass drill in several states was intentionally done and purposefully allowed to “leak.” The consequences of such a public revelation are much more useful for war gaming and future predictive responses than any imminent threat of martial law. Just like Assange and Snowden, Jade Helm is the establishment’s middle finger in the face of the ridiculous naiveté of the Tea Party crowd."
Ik heb hoe dan ook van begin af aan niet gedacht dat Jade Helm perse echt of vals was. Dit artikel kan wel licht schijnen op de ware intentie ervan en levert goeie argumenten. Ik moet "jay" wel even uitpluizen voordat ik conclusies trek.
Dus Dave Hodges kan inderdaad misschien doorschieten, maar ik heb ook nooit beweerd 100% zijn materie te steunen. Verder staat Dave Hodges apart van alt-market.com en redefininggod.com en toont dus niks aan over laatste twee. "Jay" van Jaysanalysis.com maakt een beter punt dan Joel Skousen over Dave Hodges visie van Jade Helm, gezien Joel zijn achtergrond hierboven uiteen gezet. Je overrijkt in je verlangen gelijk te hebben Mike en dat maakt je roekeloos, maar ik ben toch blij want via je materiaal ben ik weer tot nieuwe inzichten gekomen.