
Gruwelijke beelden: ‘Dit zijn de ‘bevrijders’ van Syrië waarvoor onze progressieve hersenloze elite juicht’​

Neuroloog Jan Bonte voegt toe: “Dat u het even weet waar mensen als Rob Jetten en Laurens Dassen zo hard voor juichen. Geblinddoekte mannen met de handen op de rug geboeid die afgeschoten worden als waren het honden. Gewonde Koerden in het ziekenhuis die in hun bed doodgeschoten worden. Dit zijn de ‘bevrijders’ van Syrië waarvoor onze progressieve hersenloze elite juicht. Wat een zegen dat Assad verjaagd is. Nietwaar?”

“Het regent filmpjes met standrechtelijke executies door onze vrienden de ‘rebellen’ in Syrië. Zelfs vanuit de door ons aan hen geschonken pick-up trucks. Ziek,” stelt theatermaker George van Houts.

We krijgen volgens Van Houts een vluchtelingenstroom op ons af die 2015 doet verbleken. Hij verwacht meer dan 10 miljoen vluchtelingen naar Europa in de komende twee jaar.
Fighters from the Russian Armed Forces contingent in Syria filmed a huge column of deserting SAA soldiers. The thousands-strong chain of soldiers who fled in the face of terrorists and changed into civilian clothes stretches beyond the horizon.

"Fucking, they threw down their weapons, they threw down their balls. And we are here to suffer for them." — the Russian soldier reacts emotionally to what he sees.

The video was filmed at the moment of the fall of Bashar al-Assad's government.

The Syrian army didn’t run, they were ordered to stand down.

They claim that they didn’t “want to fight” is a lie. They gave 170,000 men to this cause not to mention the injured.

Here a soldier says “We were ordered to retreat from Homs we were sold out”.

Anyone disparaging them, who never held a gun in their lives, shame on you.

The Syrian army did not run.

Syrian soldier says they were ordered to surrender after some type of “agreement”.

They say they have gathered in the coastal mountains, and will continue to fight. “With our souls with our blood, we give to Syria”.

The question is who ordered the surrender ? What back door deals were made and with who?

⚡🇮🇱🇸🇾JUST IN: Israeli army radio military correspondent says Israel occupied parts of Syria without firing a single bullet.

“Today we visited Syria, the fourth combat zone where the IDF is conducting ground operations.

Here’s an exclusive first look: the Syrian outpost that was captured by fighters from the 101st Paratrooper Battalion without firing a single shot.

As of today, as you can see, it has become a fully Israeli outpost.

The IDF is preparing for an extended stay in the area. Later this evening, at 8:00 PM, we will provide additional details and full footage from the visit to Syria.

Stay tuned.”

—Israeli army radio military correspondent Doron Kadosh.


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