
This is an obviously staged and fake scene by one of the biggest regime change frauds in corporate media. This prison had already been cleared out by HTS goon squads days earlier, then civilians scoured its cells for relatives. But somehow Clarissa Ward, the news actress who once faked being under direct fire by Hamas, and who has spent over a decade shamelessly propagandizing for the jihadists now executing minorities in Latakia, just happened upon the last prisoner slumbering under a blanket. This scam scenario reminds me of the time Ward's colleague, Arwa Damon, determined that Assad used chemical weapons by sniffing a child's backpack, and of the countless blatant deceptions deployed by the Syrian opposition on its way toward become the new gangster government. Journalist flim-flam like not only exposes the absence of editorial standards at CNN, it raises questions about the credibility of Ward's past pieces trumping up regime change in other countries targeted by US and UK intelligence.

⚡️BREAKING: Israeli radio military correspondent reports Israel’s invasion of Syria.

Doron Kadosh — Israeli Radio correspondent:

The IDF has entered Syria, capturing key strategic positions, including the Syrian outpost Tel Kodna, without facing resistance. According to reports, Syrian forces abandoned their posts on Friday night following a briefing, leaving the outposts empty. Within 24 hours, the IDF moved in, taking over the positions with zero resistance after years of surveillance and intelligence gathering.

The IDF has already begun establishing logistical infrastructure at Tel Kodna, now renamed “Sparta,” including toilets, showers, and operational offices for commanders. Soldiers are settling into bunkers and makeshift rooms, significantly improving the poor conditions left behind by Assad’s forces, which reportedly prompted many Syrian soldiers to flee without a fight.

Tel Kodna is located beyond the buffer zone, past the Bravo Line, in sovereign Syrian territory, highlighting the IDF’s strategic expansion. The captured positions are vital for achieving observation and control over Syrian territory to protect Israeli settlements.

IDF checkpoints have been set up in local villages, and soldiers have interacted with the Syrian population, who reportedly appear non-hostile. While no rebel presence has been detected, communication has begun with local power groups. A notable discovery at the outpost was a notebook belonging to a Syrian soldier learning Hebrew, presumably by listening to Israeli communications.

Meanwhile, the IDF continues constructing an anti-tank barrier along the border to delay potential infiltrations by vehicles or on foot. Commanders, reflecting on lessons from October 7, acknowledge its limited defensive role.

The correspondent notes that the situation remains calm, but this quiet is deceptive. The IDF is preparing for an extended presence in the area, which may eventually require reservists, as opposition to their presence is expected to emerge.


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