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Sla schijnt er schijnt ook veel minder en duurder te zijn tegenwoordig in de VS. Volgens degene in dit filmpje komt dat door insecten die ziektes op die sla over brengen. En in het commentaar zegt dat die sla van verschillende boerderijen verwerkt en verpakt wordt in een paar fabrieken en zo alkaar ook nog kunnen besmetten. Kan allemaal heel goed kloppen maar waarom was dat andere jaren dan niet zo?
This woman who owns chickens says that she believes the reason why the price of eggs has become so high is because hens all over the nation have stopped laying. In all of her chicken groups on social
Alcohol blurs the mind, numbs the heart, dumbs the speech and eventually kicks the spirit out of the vessel because of its toxicity.
️ It ruins your kidneys, your liver, your skin, your blood and gives you cellulite and a gut. It also ruins relationships, goals and bank accounts.
️ That’s why people ‘black-out’ or do things they normally wouldn’t do, because it was no longer them. Their body was so toxic that spirit just up and left. The memories of the night before lost in the next day’s hangover and nausea.