The Clintons

So CNN is talking about how Joe Biden needs to be replaced.

A lot of people have thought it will be Big Mike. My money and hope is on Hillary Clinton.

Let me explain.

For one, it’s very notable that Hillary has been back in the news, doing press and just happens to be releasing a new book this fall. I don’t believe any of this is a coincidence.

Now I also do believe that if they replace Biden with Hillary, it will be the best thing that could happen for the MAGA movement and Trump at this moment in time.

Here’s why.

Julian Assange has been freed. I do think we will hear from him soon. Furthermore, I know that massive exposure about Seth Rich proving not only that he was the leaker — it wasn’t meh Russia! — but also that he was murdered and it was all covered up is on deck.

Seth’s murder was not random, it was an ordered hit that came from Hillary’s team and/or her Democrat counterparts. Anyone who thinks that’s far-fetched should actually read the Podesta E-mails Wikileaks released. John Podesta himself wrote that he was all for making an “example” out of a leaker.

Now in 2016 when Wikileaks released the Podesta E-mails exposing that Hillary & her associates had been involved in Satanic spirit cooking rituals and sex crimes against children AKA Pizzagate, the world was not ready. Plus, the media very effectively covered this up — with @megynkelly leading the charge! — and, in effect, most people did not believe it nor did they want to.

However, over the past 7 plus years that’s changed. Literally hundreds of millions of people around the world now know Pizzagate is real because of Out of Shadows. Watch the full movie for free right here on X below.👇🏻

So, rolling out Hillary now would do nothing but help Trump and his movement. It would put a big spotlight on her and all of her crimes including the fact that her foundation, the Clinton Foundation, is nothing more than a front for a global child sex trafficking network that was directly involved in and worked with Jeffrey Epstein.

The masses either did not know about or believe Pizzagate was real in 2016. Now, they know the truth. Ushering Hillary back in would put all her crimes back in the public consciousness at a time when the world is awake. It also would perfectly set the stage for the boomerang and retribution that’s inevitably coming.

So I say bring it on Hillary Clinton 2024 — let’s GO you demon pedophile bitch!


Jon Stewart Calls Out DNC Hypocrisy, Suggests Bill Clinton Is a Se𝕏ual Predator.

He actually went there.

After years of silence on the matter, Stewart finally addressed Bill Clinton's troubled past.

"The Democrats had people who prosecuted se𝕏ual predators, and…" Stewart paused, as an image of Clinton appeared on the screen.

The audience busted out laughing.

Stewart didn't stop there. The comedian pointed out the hypocrisy of having Bernie Sanders rant against billionaires, only to be followed by billionaire Gov. J.B. Pritzker.

Chris Cuomo also delivered some scathing words about the DNC, and he actually knows what he's talking about here.

This is worth watching.


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