The Great Awakening


“It’s been just 17 days since I took the oath of office. Wow. 17 days. It’s 17 days. It’s gone. But we’ve done a lot in 17 days, haven’t we? And in those 17 days, we’ve accomplished really what some people haven’t accomplished in 8 years.”

Trump saying 17 (5 times) in less than a minute tells me that what he was saying right there was of YUGE importance.

My interpretation:

“It’s gone” means their money is gone.

He shut it all down in just 17 days and they had 8 years to shut him down, literally, and they failed.

It was a big F YOU to the deep state.

5 times made me go look at Q drop 5, and it is right on the money with what’s happening right now.

Q 5 Oct 29, 2017

Follow the money, it's the key.
What is Pelosi's net worth by way of one example?
Why coincidentally is her memory apparently going?
Cover for possible future indictment to plead what?
What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution?
Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a NP?
Note this doesn't include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups.
Why did Soros' son have several meetings with Canadian PM and how is that related to Clinton's?
Can you rely on being able to board a plane and fly away?
Why is MS13 a priority? Nobody got this.
Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?
The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed.
Also many are thinking from one point of view, US only, this evil is embedded globally. US is the first domino.
Have faith.

This delta for today is 117% on point.

Without the fake news, they couldn’t have had a Plandemic, steal the 2020 election, J6, all of the fraudulent cases against Trump, and so much more.

Without USAID, and with Trump literally stopping all of their different avenues to launder money, it will be the end of the fake news and the Democrat party.

We now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that USAID paid corrupt news networks to put out FAKE NEWS.

On September 10, 2001, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld flat out told us that $2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS in transactions could not be tracked.

We all know what happened the following day, and with that, the news

about the missing $2.3T vanished, right along with the money.

When us Conspiracy Theorists started making noise about it, the fake news simply fact checked it and told everyone that it was false.

Even though the video footage of Rumsfeld saying so was all over the internet, their system was in place to control the minds of those that they successfully brainwashed.

People are about to have their minds blown and world turned upside down.

The Great Awakening continues.

You forgot the nuke going off during the Super Bowl in Sum Of All Fears.

That game in the movie was in Baltimore. In the movie, they show Baltimore as having a domed stadium. Problem is, Baltimore doesn’t have a domed stadium. New Orleans does, though.

3 weeks ago a Baltimore Ravens game was stopped because of a drone incursion.

The Sum Of All Fears ends with Nessun Dorma playing while all the bad guys are being eliminated.

Nessun Dorma is a song which Trump has often used at rallies and events.

Also - Sunday is 2/9/2025

2+9 = 11
2+2+5 = 9

“Think mirror” - 9/11.

My take? I think a major attack is foiled and will be revealed.

“Scare. Necessary event.”

How do you stop [their] plan? By subverting it and exposing it.

Let’s see what happens.


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