The Great Awakening

It is all a show. Bondi is doing exactly what she is supposed to, IMO.

It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be loud and demand transparency, but it does mean people should chill the f**k out and maybe not call for her firing after only 3 weeks on the job.

Like I said earlier - why release it all now? The Pope is close to death. The moment that happens, it is gonna suck up the news cycle for up to 3 weeks.

Knowing that - I wouldn’t release them yet either. I’d wait for that situation to pass beforehand so when they’re released, they aren’t drowned out of the news cycle.

I’ve seen the joke rolling around … “0 arrests, 0 perp walks, 8 Fox appearances” blah blah blah.

To that end, Trump still hasn’t stopped the war in Ukraine or Israel, inflation is still sky high, and gas hasn’t come down.

Y’all wanna fire him, too?

Yeah - That’s what I thought. Maybe extend the same grace to the picks THAT HE MADE that you extend to him.

I have a better idea: How about we give the Chefs a little time in the kitchen to cook?

I said it the other day: Do you want it done right now, or do you want it done right? Can’t have both.

CNN’s admission that Trump supporters were duped by Pam Bondi signals a controlled narrative shift, forcing even loyalists to question the system...
The staged event with fake Epstein files exposes how deep infiltration runs, making the demand for real truth even stronger... remember me saying... we need EVERYONE to scream for the Epstein Files, not just truthers...
As I don't believe Bondi was misled, it was likely a strategic move to flush out operatives... but more importantly, it is increasing the Public Mandate to see the Epstein Files...
This accelerates the awakening, proving once again that the White Hats are playing the long game...


You haven’t uncovered or discussed anything none of us haven’t discussed or been screaming about since at least 2016 so save your screeching - many of us have been waiting on this shit since reading Dave McGowan’s “Pedophocracy”. If us OG’s can corral our emotions, surely you can as well.

5 weeks, bro. They’ve been in office for 5 weeks. Maybe let things unfold a bit longer before getting the torch and pitchforks. I mean c’mon dude - even your following which seemingly appeared overnight took longer than 5 weeks to cultivate.

This is why large accounts with zero understanding of how Trump operates can become unintentionally black pilled.

I’m sure all of us know better than Trump … I mean sure, let’s release it all now so when the Pope dies, the files get washed away by the tsunami of a news cycle that’ll happen when his death occurs.

Chess. Not checkers.

I’ll be waiting with copious amounts of crow when this shit boomerangs - which it will.

The question is: How many big accounts will actually show humility and admit they jumped the gun when that happens?


My kids are all older and out of the house, so I don’t ever have to hear “are we there yet?” over and over in the car.

That was so annoying!

Unfortunately, that has now been replaced with “where are the Epstein files?” here on X over and over.

It’s been 42 days. 42 days.

People feel “lied to.”

Where were you during the dash (45-47) when we lived through a Psyop of a fake Joe Biden presidency?

You don’t think it was real, do you?

We were lied to, but we had to be, in order to wake people up.

This is a PSYWAR and we don’t know what their plan is to arrest them all, and if we don’t know, they don’t know.

This is causing them to panic more and more, and as that happens, they will keep committing crimes to try to cover up their other crimes, all while Trump and the military are capturing it all.

There is a reason they all fear Bondi and Kash, and if they were actually Deep State, they wouldn’t have fought so hard to stop them.

This is a historic time to be alive and you’re ruining it for yourselves, and intentionally or not, you are bringing others down with you and making people turn on Pam, Kash, and even Trump.

Divided we are weak.
United we are strong.

We have to be patient for a little while longer and TRUST TRUMP‼️

I hate backseat drivers.

Ok, I don’t literally hate them as people, but I hate when they do it.

We have a shit ton of backseat drivers on here who think they know what it takes to transition into being the head of the DOJ from an illegal Regime.

They think they know exactly what is going on and what needs to be done.

This is Trump’s DOJ.

Don’t forget it.

If you think he’s going to allow Pam Bondi to screw over the victims and not seek justice for all of us, you are simply not thinking clearly.

You are allowing your emotions to guide you rather than using critical thinking.


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