The Great Awakening

[They] are the party of death.
No truer words spoken.


Citizen journalists drive BILLIONS of media impressions per month.

While we drive the Overton Window in one direction, the media is unable to drive it in the other.

Don’t feel small and powerless, no matter how small your individual reach is. Together we are a David that is slaying a Goliath.

I’m about to post a series of videos from congressional testimony, confirming under oath, that the US does fund biolabs in Ukraine.

#1 Victoria Nuland, Undersecretary of State; 03/08/2022

Confirming the US has “research facilities” in Ukraine and “we are concerned Russian forces will get their hands on this research”.

#2 Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence; 03/10/2022

Both Haines and Rubio use the verbiage “labs” when referring to these US facilities in Ukraine. They are just claiming that the US aren’t making weapons. But they did confirm that there are US funded “labs” in Ukraine and they are handling pathogens.

#3 William J Burns, Director of Central Intelligence Agency; 03/10/2022

RUBIO SAYS IN TESTIMONY “a long time ago this should have been acknowledged, there are labs yes, this is what they do. Cuz a lot of these fact checkers said ‘don’t even mention labs, they don’t even exist’. But they do, they exist all over the world. There’s labs like that right here.”

So Rubio confirms the labs are there, and the fact checkers were wrong not to acknowledge that the labs exist.

It’s ok to be pissed.

- Inflation won’t allow comfortable living
- Every part of society is taxed
- Debt becomes normalized after school
- The Education System creates obedience
- Success means stepping over co-workers
- Big Pharma chooses to keep you sick
- Wall Street never loses
- We live in a sad and unfair world

Now the trick is to channel your anger towards the cabal that created this system and be hopeful for the new system that doesn’t include them.

That time is soon.

Krschtige reactie van een anon op deze Q-post:

For me this is not simply a "Delta," this is a daily reminder of just how far we have come since my personal "Awakening"

I have been on this battlefield predating the "Q" operation by 16 years. I've seen my share of PAYtriots/FAKEtriots/Grifters/Plants/Shills/trolls & "Limited Hangout" Controlled Disclosure wankers...I understand the damage they inflict..

9/11 Truth, the Antiwar "War on Terror" Movement, Occupy Wall St, the Tea Party, Pizzagate.... I am an old hat...
Only 40 but feel ageless at this point.
Just sayin...not my first rodeo.
It took decades to get where we are today for all you "bUt nOtHiNg'S eVeR gOnNa hApPeN" crowd..

As I type this.. time is undeniably "no longer on our side." Their hand has been played in full view of ALL sitting at the table, it's been FORCED.

That's the thing, NO ONE EVER "falls" back asleep.

(((They))) know this & is exactly why they NEVER REST silencing us

I won't alway post what you want to see/hear.. I will however post/say what I believe is important for you to see/hear, regardless how upsetting it might appear at 1st.

Am I always correct..? This is doubtful considering the realms in which information lurks/& the entities "selected" to distribute it...often the "alternatives" to MSM are at best, greedy egotistical narcissists (gatekeepers) at worst active participants in scripting/fostering subversion.

Will I ever state "as fact" something I am uncertain of? Not a chance in hell.
I will always present hypotheticals as such.

One thing I've noticed which is lost on many anons, especially those most passionate/dedicated is the varying degrees of those known as "red pilled."

Plenty of recently Awakened have extreme respect/ loyalty to what many of us regard (often rightfully so) as "gatekeepers." This is natural and by design. A strong bond is developed w/ those who walked us by hand towards the "truth."

Toe Rogan/Infowars (Alex Jones)/David Icke/Tommy Robinson/PubeSac/CernoCuck/Russel Brand are but a few examples...there's far too many to name...

Personally I think this gradual "education" of those w/ "proven" historical deceit could be handled better by digital war veterans but this is only HALF the BATTLE. Many vets themselves are hip to the tactics deployed but remain hostage to far more nefarious & deeper "long cons."

Quick to tow the line & even attack one another over... lets call them... Generational "Spells."
Self censoring & badmouthing/sowing doubt on the sincerity of those of us who've shed those "oCultural" shackles is dangerously endemic in this "movement."

Often it manifests as a defense mechanism to distance oneself from the stigma of "ism's... Most people who fight for truth no longer care about "some" ism's & phobia's.

Racism? Sure why not?
Sexism? Who cares?
Bigot? Im fine w/ that
Homophobe? Ya'll gonna say it anyways..
Transphobe? Kek
Islamophobe? Meh...
These were gradual "baby steps."
Painfully so imho.

The point is none of these "spells" work any longer. They be tired..
Primarily because it isnt true, they are "conjured" to silence one's ears, blind one's eyes but most importantly to silence one's tongue, lest we share truth amongst one another.
Facts matter, it only took 20 friggin yrs 🤣

There's only one ism, or "spell" left and it's bar none the oldest and most powerful and JUST LIKE THE OTHERS it holds next to ZERO WEIGHT as the majority of rational Americans honestly do not HATE any race or religion.

The thing is NO ONE gets a free pass on Systemic Subversion/Acts of Evil.
No Race is ABOVE EVIL.
No Religion is ABOVE EVIL.
No RELIGION OR RACE is absent of those who'd COMMIT ACTS OF EVIL.
Imagine how DANGEROUS it would be if such a Race or Religion positioned itself to BE ABOVE the INHERENT WEAKNESS & SINFUL NATURE OF MANKIND.

This LAST "ism" is the one kill shot MOST OFTEN "conjured" to end careers, one I needn't even name..
We were warned long, long ago

Revelation 2:9:
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

& People wonder why DJT was the most Pro _ American President in history yet somehow destroyed the Greater _ Project

The "levels" of Awakening are vast, staggering even, anons commonly pitted against one another. Normies here trying to get a grasp on real/fake news, history/science/spirituality in a cesspool of disinfo/anon egos/legit satanic shills/blackpilled schitzos ect.. ect...

Every misinterpretation/mistake/misstep/slide/datefagging clusterfck prolongs the "Great Awakening," if even by a few hrs, hrs we might not have.

"Handle with care" is the difference between success & failure...

Forgive the rant I just wish more people took this as serious at it is.
We ain't ever gonna get another shot at righting this ship.

(((They))) are ALL IN at this stage, this is painfully obvious by the quantity/degree of Psychological/Spiritual/Physical/Economic attack we are currently under, just look around you.

If we aren't as dedicated and focused on OUR ENDGAME as the Agents of Satan we don't stand a chance.

Put on the Armor of God w/ Prayer the moment your eyes open each day and again in Prayer before rest for the Battle tomorrow

[Doorgestuurd van The Library (Harold Wren 🍊)]
Challenge Authority.
Question Everything.
Be Led By No One.
Maintain Your Autonomy.
Research For Yourself.
Trust No One.
Verify Always.
Be An Individual.
Safeguard Your Personal Freedom.
Ignore/Defy Unjust Laws.
Engage In Civil Disobedience.
Become Ungovernable.
Resist Groupthink.
Stand Firm.
Accept Nothing.
Fight Back.
Never Quit.
Speak Truth to Liars.
Counter Propaganda.
Smash The System.
Unite With Allies.
Recruit People.
Build Our Army.
Paralyze The Machine.
At All Costs.

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