The Great Awakening

Dit is interessant. Reiner Fuellmich bericht over Freedom Healthcare.

Wat is dat:
Healthcare that is nature based and focused on our perfect God-given immune system. We strive to promote health through a body-mind-spirit approach.

We’ve all been through Hell, so I thought Hell March was a fitting song for an Anon Tribute.

This vidya needs no explanation. It is simply my ode and shoutout to as many digital soldiers as I could slam into a 3 min vidya! 🤩

If I missed you - it isn’t personal.

A full list of Anons included will be in the comments, and the HiDef version is available on Rumble.

Song; Hell March
Speeches; Michael Flynn & Ronald Reagan



A lot of doomium going around. You're free to believe what you want, but I don't resonate with this mindset.

There is clearly plenty going on that is destroying the Deep State and their narratives from all angles. Big Tech, Big Pharma, election fraud, Biden crime family, Durham, and much more... the Cabal's control is imploding day by day.

Trump was sounding fired up at his rally, and we have major players and prominent names in our movement like Kash Patel, General Flynn, Gregg Philips from 2000 Mules and others sounding confident that big bombshells are on the way.

Hold the line. You'll regret it if you bow out now.

The end won't be for everyone. (Q)

Who is Joanna Wintrol?

She's in charge of the US biolabs in #Ukraine

The head of the D T R A office at the US Embassy in K I E V.
Remember her name, it's going to become very notable soon.

Goh, een VROUW aan het hoofd van deze illegale praktijken. Je verwacht het niet, he?

If you stop and consider at the anon journey you will find that we've collectively accomplished a great deal as an army of frogs.
It's as if 2020 and beyond was made for us. Q awakened many of us and activated independent journalists to look deeper than many dared to go.
We've exposed evil, woken up many asleep sheep, likely saved lives by highlighting Ivermectin and other cures during the plandemic and so much more. The deep state had to cheat to stop us. Our voice could not be contained. We were too loud. We were breaking through the carefully crafted thought bubbles preserved for the normies. They had to shut off comments. Shut off likes. Banish us. That's how powerful we were. We've made a difference together and I think we should all be proud of that. And I've got to believe our best days ahead. Even if it's just celebration and joy knowing we did all we could to help prepare the world for what's to come.
We were the force the deep state did not know how to deal with and now there are more people awake than ever before in modern history. That's because of all of us. Collectively. WWG1WGA.

God is doing something amazing within you. Creating great warriors through these trials and tribulations. You might be weary but I suggest you reminisce on how far you've come and how much you've grown.

How have you grown in the last couple years? I can practically guarantee that many of you have changed by leaps and bounds.

Just think about Kim Clement's absurd two president prophesy. When he was speaking that he must have wondered what he was saying cause in the natural that must have seemed like complete nonsense but then you fast forward to today, to the fall of Babylon and the Exodus we are currently walking through...and there you have it..
Trump is the shadow President.
Biden is the facade.
There's "two Presidents"
To me, this shows that we are on the right track.
People tell me they are not having fun and I agree in some ways. Yes, we are all being tested. But think about the Biblical level moment happening and be grateful that you were chosen to live in this day. Exodus was extremely uncomfortable back in the day and likewise it is now. We must have faith that God's plan is going forward. He is not surprised by any of these happenings. He knew how bumpy this would get but this transition is ultimately a mercy. We cannot continue to live in this diseased corrupt temple. There's something new and beautiful on the horizon. Just past this storm. See it with faith. I know that many of you do. We have an amazing community of people who see past the fog and have learned to be the calm in this storm. You are champions.

Normies think Ukraine didn't need to be invaded. Yet Trump used the narrative to his advantage saying that the weak puppet Biden caused this. He always uses the narrative like a weapon to penetrate into the minds of the sheep, who only go off basic impressions and do no research.
In reality, the invasion of Ukraine was part of the plan. That's what I believe.
I don't care what anyone says. He likely stopped plandemic 2.0. That's why they are bringing out this impotent Monkey Pox disease and not something actually deadly. That's my current belief.
The question I have is why invade Taiwan.
What's the purpose if Xi and Putin are indeed helping take down the NWO?
Eyes should be on the financial system and supply chain as well. Putin is backed by gold now.
The plan can't go forward if we stay on this system. On this fake financial system.
I have so many thoughts.
Can you imagine what might be going on behind the scenes.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall and see what the white hats are really saying behind closed doors.

Just think about Kim Clement's absurd two president prophesy. When he was speaking that he must have wondered what he was saying cause in the natural that must have seemed like complete nonsense but then you fast forward to today, to the fall of Babylon and the Exodus we are currently walking through...and there you have it..
Trump is the shadow President.
Biden is the facade.
There's "two Presidents"
To me, this shows that we are on the right track.
People tell me they are not having fun and I agree in some ways. Yes, we are all being tested. But think about the Biblical level moment happening and be grateful that you were chosen to live in this day. Exodus was extremely uncomfortable back in the day and likewise it is now. We must have faith that God's plan is going forward. He is not surprised by any of these happenings. He knew how bumpy this would get but this transition is ultimately a mercy. We cannot continue to live in this diseased corrupt temple. There's something new and beautiful on the horizon. Just past this storm. See it with faith. I know that many of you do. We have an amazing community of people who see past the fog and have learned to be the calm in this storm. You are champions.

Denk maar aan Kim Clement's absurde profetie van twee presidenten. Toen hij dat zei, moet hij zich hebben afgevraagd wat hij zei, want in de natuur moet dat complete onzin hebben geleken, maar dan spoel je door naar vandaag, naar de val van Babylon en de Exodus waar we nu doorheen lopen...en daar heb je het...
Trump is de schaduwpresident.
Biden is de façade.
Er zijn "twee presidenten"
Voor mij toont dit aan dat we op de goede weg zijn.
Mensen vertellen me dat ze geen plezier hebben en daar ben ik het in sommige opzichten mee eens. Ja, we worden allemaal op de proef gesteld. Maar denk aan het moment dat op Bijbels niveau gebeurt en wees dankbaar dat je uitverkoren bent om in deze tijd te leven. Exodus was toen uiterst ongemakkelijk en dat is het nu ook. We moeten vertrouwen hebben dat Gods plan doorgaat. Hij is niet verrast door deze gebeurtenissen. Hij wist hoe hobbelig dit zou worden, maar deze overgang is uiteindelijk een genade. We kunnen niet blijven leven in deze zieke corrupte tempel. Er is iets nieuws en moois aan de horizon. Net voorbij deze storm. Zie het met geloof. Ik weet dat velen van jullie dat doen. We hebben een geweldige gemeenschap van mensen die voorbij de mist kijken en geleerd hebben om de kalmte in deze storm te zijn. Jullie zijn kampioenen.
Normies think Ukraine didn't need to be invaded. Yet Trump used the narrative to his advantage saying that the weak puppet Biden caused this. He always uses the narrative like a weapon to penetrate into the minds of the sheep, who only go off basic impressions and do no research.
In reality, the invasion of Ukraine was part of the plan. That's what I believe.
I don't care what anyone says. He likely stopped plandemic 2.0. That's why they are bringing out this impotent Monkey Pox disease and not something actually deadly. That's my current belief.
The question I have is why invade Taiwan.
What's the purpose if Xi and Putin are indeed helping take down the NWO?
Eyes should be on the financial system and supply chain as well. Putin is backed by gold now.
The plan can't go forward if we stay on this system. On this fake financial system.
I have so many thoughts.
Can you imagine what might be going on behind the scenes.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall and see what the white hats are really saying behind closed doors.


Normies denken dat Oekraïne niet binnengevallen hoefde te worden. Toch gebruikte Trump het narratief in zijn voordeel door te zeggen dat de zwakke marionet Biden dit had veroorzaakt. Hij gebruikt het narratief altijd als een wapen om door te dringen in de hoofden van de schapen, die alleen afgaan op basisindrukken en geen onderzoek doen.
In werkelijkheid was de invasie van Oekraïne onderdeel van het plan. Dat is wat ik geloof.
Het kan me niet schelen wat iedereen zegt. Hij stopte waarschijnlijk plandemie 2.0. Daarom brengen ze deze impotente apenpokkenziekte uit en niet iets dodelijks. Dat is mijn huidige overtuiging.
De vraag die ik heb is waarom Taiwan binnenvallen.
Wat is het doel als Xi en Poetin inderdaad helpen de NWO neer te halen?
De ogen moeten ook gericht zijn op het financiële systeem en de toeleveringsketen. Poetin wordt nu gesteund door goud.
Het plan kan niet doorgaan als we op dit systeem blijven. Op dit valse financiële systeem.
Ik heb zoveel gedachten.
Kun je je voorstellen wat er achter de schermen gebeurt?
Ik zou graag een vlieg op de muur zijn en zien wat de witte hoeden echt zeggen achter gesloten deuren.

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