The Great Awakening

Demodex folliculorum mites make their homes on human faces, eyelashes and nipples…

A new study at the University of Reading suggests inbreeding is causing the mites to shed genes and cells, meaning they could soon devolve from external parasites to ‘symbionts’ - that are part of us.

Ook obtwikkeld in Oekraiense biolabs?

Mike 24 Jun, 2022 02:44
HomeWorld News

‘Havana Syndrome’ victims to get six-figure compensation​

The State Department is reportedly set to dole out large sums to officials and family members experiencing the mystery ailment
‘Havana Syndrome’ victims to get six-figure compensation

FILE PHOTO: The US Embassy in Havana, Cuba, October 3, 2017. © AP / Desmond Boylan

The US government will soon compensate those suffering from ‘Havana Syndrome’ – a cluster of unexplained symptoms reported by some overseas officials and their relatives – with some slated to receive more than $100,000, several media outlets reported.

The State Department is preparing to offer payments between $100,000 and $200,000 to employees with “qualifying injuries” linked to the syndrome, according to unnamed officials cited by the Associated Press, the Washington Post, NBC and other agencies. Compensation will initially be limited to State Department staffers and their dependents, however, and the specific amounts will be determined by the severity of injuries.

Only about 20% of those reporting Havana Syndrome symptoms worked for the State Department, with most others employed by the Pentagon or the CIA, which have their own policies for such medical issues, according to the AP.

During a classified briefing on Thursday, Deputy CIA Director David Cohen and Assistant FBI Director Alan Kohler updated senators on the unexplained illness, which the Joe Biden administration collectively refers to as “anomalous health incidents.” Other officials with the State Department and CIA also told lawmakers that the government would soon provide a plan to compensate Havana Syndrome victims, according to the Post, which was the first to report the six-figure payments.
Sound associated with Havana Syndrome revealedREAD MORE: Sound associated with Havana Syndrome revealed
That plan will be based on the HAVANA Act, legislation signed by President Biden last year which authorized the heads of the State Department and CIA to decide who is eligible for compensation. Though the bill set an April deadline for officials to propose a system for payments, they have yet to finalize a plan.

Havana Syndrome was first reported by diplomats serving at the US Embassy in Havana, Cuba, in 2016, with symptoms including headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, and vertigo, as well as trouble with vision, hearing and balance. Some have allegedly suffered long-term brain damage.
In late 2020, a panel at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine concluded that a “directed, pulsed radio frequency (RF) energy”device was the likely culprit behind the illness, prompting media outlets to speculate that Russia or China had unleashed a new, top-secret weapon on American targets. However, other experts have voiced doubt about the ‘directed energy’ hypothesis.
Mysterious illness hurts diplomats’ morale – USREAD MORE: Mysterious illness hurts diplomats’ morale – US
Other theories have also been floated. While the Associated Press released audio in 2017 of a cricket-like sound purported to be a “sonic attack” on US diplomats in Cuba, a pair of experts reviewed the recording and determined the noise didn’t merely sound like insects, but actually was the mating call of the male Indies short-tailed cricket.

Cuban scientists have dismissed claims that secret sonic weapons may be behind the syndrome, stating there was “no scientific evidence of attacks” and that the symptoms were related to mass psychosis among US officials and their relatives.
As the Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade, this will dominate the news cycle. The riots will surely begin tonight and with the response to this ruling, the Left will further cement themselves as the party of insanity. While Americans are struggling to pay for gas and food, the Left and the DNC are focused on sending tens of billions of our tax dollars to arm LITERAL Nazis, and burning cities down because the Supreme Court said killing babies is up to the States…

As we approach the midterms, lets do a quick tally on the Left and what they have openly supported over the last 2 years:

-Slaughtering children
-Grooming children
-Indoctrinating children
-Raping children
-Arming Nazi military forces in Ukraine
-Forced medical experimentation
-Orwellian censorship
-Brainwashing and propaganda
-Racism against white culture
-Sexism against men
-War or Heterosexuality (Normality)
-Abolishing the Right to defend yourself
-Abolishing local and state police
-Election fraud
-Higher taxes
-More government
-Less freedom

When future generations read the history books, they will look back with dismay, unable to comprehend how so many Americans actually supported the Leftist movement and the party of blatant insanity. The modern day left-wing proves that people can be brainwashed to support ANYTHING.

Now the leftists will take to the streets and supply some good photos and examples for the history books, as to why in future America, liberalism no longer exists. So go ahead, let them burn it all down. They are only making our point and justifying the eradication of their ideology.

Patriots, stay home. Protect your family. Let them riot. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.


Vertaling met Deepl:

Als het Hooggerechtshof Roe v Wade vernietigt, zal dit de nieuws cyclus domineren. De rellen zullen vanavond zeker beginnen en met de reactie op deze uitspraak, zal links zich nog meer profileren als de partij van de waanzin. Terwijl Amerikanen worstelen om gas en voedsel te betalen, zijn links en de DNC gefocust op het sturen van tientallen miljarden van ons belastinggeld om LITALE Nazi's te bewapenen, en het platbranden van steden omdat het Hooggerechtshof zei dat het doden van baby's een zaak van de staten is...

Laten we, nu de midterms naderen, eens een snelle balans opmaken van links en wat ze de afgelopen 2 jaar openlijk hebben gesteund:

-Het afslachten van kinderen
-Het veredelen van kinderen
-Het indoctrineren van kinderen
-Het in elkaar slaan van kinderen
-Het bewapenen van nazi troepen in Oekraïne.
-Gedwongen medische experimenten.
-Orwelliaanse censuur.
-Hersenspoeling en propaganda.
-Racisme tegen de blanke cultuur.
-Seksisme tegen mannen
-Oorlog of Heteroseksualiteit (Normaliteit)
-Het recht om jezelf te verdedigen verbieden
-Het verbieden van lokale en staatspolitie
-Hogere belastingen
-Meer overheid
-Minder vrijheid

Wanneer toekomstige generaties de geschiedenisboeken lezen, zullen zij met ontzetting terugkijken, niet in staat om te begrijpen hoe zoveel Amerikanen werkelijk de linkse beweging en de partij van de schaamteloze waanzin steunden. De hedendaagse linkse beweging bewijst dat mensen gehersenspoeld kunnen worden om ALLES te steunen.

Nu zullen de linksen de straat opgaan en een aantal goede foto's en voorbeelden leveren voor de geschiedenisboeken, over waarom in het toekomstige Amerika het liberalisme niet meer bestaat. Dus ga je gang, laat ze het allemaal platbranden. Ze maken alleen ons punt duidelijk en rechtvaardigen de uitroeiing van hun ideologie.

Patriotten, blijf thuis. Bescherm uw familie. Laat ze maar rellen. Onderbreek nooit je vijand als hij een fout maakt.


The Federal Government simply allowed for the States to decide. So if the libs still want to scramble their babies, they are going to be able to do so in liberal states.

I honestly don’t think the majority of liberals know this, they were just told to be outraged. They don’t actually understand what’s going on or have any individual thought.

So to all the libs out there, if killing babies is THAT important to you, move to a blue state!

And leave the rest of us the fuck alone.

Vertaling met Deepl:

De federale regering liet de staten gewoon beslissen. Dus als de liberalen nog steeds hun baby's willen scharrelen, zullen ze dat in liberale staten kunnen doen.

Ik denk eerlijk gezegd niet dat de meerderheid van de liberalen dit weet, er is hen alleen verteld dat ze verontwaardigd moeten zijn. Ze begrijpen eigenlijk niet wat er aan de hand is of hebben geen individuele gedachte.

Dus voor alle liberalen daarbuiten, als het doden van baby's zo belangrijk voor je is, verhuis dan naar een blauwe staat!

En laat de rest van ons verdomme met rust.


Nu we wat tijd hebben gehad om de overwinning te vieren, laten we de situatie analyseren. De Dems zijn kwaad, maar WAAROM zijn de Dems zo kwaad over deze uitspraak? Nou, vele redenen, maar het gaat vooral om geld.

Met de omverwerping van Roe v. Wade door het Hooggerechtshof, annuleerden veel staten onmiddellijk alle geplande abortussen, en sloten alle geplande ouderbureaus in de staat. Dit zal in elke rode staat doorgaan. Dit is een enorme klap voor de campagnefinanciering en de doorsluisgelden die de DNC krijgt van Planned Parenthood.

Kijk naar de campagne donaties van het geplande ouderschap. Ze gaan voor 100% naar DNC kandidaten. De DNC voert hun campagnes op de inkomsten van het slachten van baby's.

Ze spendeerden meer dan 45 miljoen dollar alleen al aan de verkiezingen van 2020. Elke cent ging naar de Democraten.

De Democratische politici zijn niet bezorgd over "vrouwenrechten", ze zijn boos omdat ze meer dan 20 miljoen dollar per jaar aan campagnegeld verloren.



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