The Great Awakening

Trump Truths how both Obama and Bush handled classified information

DJT truthed both of these at 18:40

Q 1840
(Fish)ing is fun

Has DJT seemed at all worried what the FBI has been doing?

Dan gave us foreknowledge it was coming.

Trump’s whole approach
Has always been.
Have them “attack” him
Only to show what (they) have been doing.

Q showed us this going back to the Nuke scare with North Korea (side note keep that in mind moving forward)

“Appear Weak When Strong”


Think Mirror

How do you catch a fish?

Use bait.

Trump plays the WWG1WGA song, his allies sign their books with WWG1WGA, he plays storm music behind his speech, he retruths blatant Q imagery, Scavino posting frog memes and now Trumps openly talks about the precipice referenced by Q and anons ad nauseum.
We are batting 17/17 anons.
Buckle up for the next phase of this journey, keep your spiritual armor tight, encourage your frens and family, and let's get this together.

It all comes down to the spiritual nature of this war.
Once you see the pure evil staring you in the face, hidden in plain sight for your entire life, then you are jolted awake.
You've been living in a war of Biblical proportions your entire life.
You're never the same once you see this clearly.
Good VS Evil.
The Great Awakening is becoming mainstream.
Wake up and fight, Anon.

The way I discern information is this:
If God shows me something, I go with that above all else.
No matter what the circumstances say to me or anyone else.
I go with God.
Next, I go with my own discernment skills and wisdom.
I hold onto these things less tightly.
I make mistakes at times.
We all do.
Then I find people who have proven themselves to be trustworthy and I allow them to speak into my life. I take the meat and spit out the bone and recognize that not everyone is right all the time, including myself.
Some have gained more trust than others. Even shills will speak the truth (on occasion) and I can accept a truth from them without trusting them.
And lastly, we have to be open to changing our minds and be teachable to God.
The anon is always learning and exploring.
It's difficult to learn who to trust, but with this hierarchy, many wise people have been able to sift through the weeds and find a way through the fog.
Faith is the Trump card.
Faith holds onto what God shows you despite any outward circumstance.
This gives you the calm that's so crucial in today's storms.

You're going to be so glad that you held the line through this entire precipice.
You're going to be able to look yourself in the mirror and be proud that you refused to give up the promise of a better future.
These are remarkable days.
And you looked through the darkness and found God guiding you through this hour.
You didn't lose sight of what's precious, unassailable hope.
Joy is so much sweeter to the taste now that you've known so deeply the anguish of the battle.
And believe me, joy is coming.
I can see feel it so clearly.
God is winning. He won.

Dit is nog maar het begin. The streets will not be safe for [THEM]. Hier met beeld en geluid:


Vertaling van bovenstaande video:
Trump: “Ik denk dat het waar is dat als ik dit niet had gedaan, we gaan aan kop in elke peiling, de republikeinen met echt heel veel en we staan voor op Biden en we staan voor op iedere democraat. Maar weet je, de waarheid is, je weet dat ik van het land houd, ons land kan gered worden, maar ik geloof werkelijk dat als er geen dingen gebeuren, heel belangrijke dingen zeer binnenkort, het niet langer gered kan worden. Weet je, zodra het over de rand van de afgrond gaat is het niet meer te redden en daar zitten we niet ver vandaan. We hadden zoiets speciaals twee jaar geleden, we hadden de leiding in de wereld op elk gebied, elke groepering in ons land deed het goed, Afrikaanse Amerikanen, Aziatische Amerikanen, vrouwen, mannen, Latijns-Amerikanen, iedereen deed het goed, jonge mensen, oude mensen, we deden het allemaal geweldig. Maar zij willen dit land vernietigen, ze zien uit naar de vernietiging van dit land. En ik zeg het vaker, onze uitdaging van binnenuit, het gevaar van binnenuit, wat betekent dat mensen in dit land het land ruineren, dat is ernstiger dan wat we van andere landen kunnen verwachten en wat die met ons willen doen.”

In Q post 4685 van 12 september 2020 lezen we onderaan:

'Systeem van macht.
Velen kozen de weg van de minste weerstand.
Velen kun je de waarheid niet vertellen.
Je moet het ze laten zien.
Alleen aan de rand van de afgrond zullen mensen de wil [kracht] vinden te veranderen en om het systeem van macht te breken [vrij te zijn].
[Doorgestuurd van Red.Pill.Pharmacist]
Yet another flop for [them]. 😂 This nutjob claimed Trump raped her back in the 90’s… good grief, [their] ammo’s running mighty low 😂

The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned an earlier district court decision that said the United States government could not substitute for Trump as a defendant in the lawsuit brought by E. Jean Carroll.


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