The Great Awakening

As a saw all these close-up photos of child mouths with pulled teeth I immediately thought of the fully stocked dentist chair found at Epstein's FL mansion:

Also reported he had a 550 lbs dental chair shipped to his Island:

Pulling teeth without novocaine and with horrific theater is one of the ways I believe they adrenalize their blood. Enabling them to reuse the same child more than once.

Everything is accelerating now. We are fastly approaching the moment where all of the seemingly independent (to the normies) theaters we've been researching/exposing collide into one continuous stream of focus. A very public continuity of Truth. And to think, our new Congress hasn't even started yet. 2023 looks to be a historic year in the Great Awakening. Dark to Light!

Congressman Biggs [R-AZ]

“We received an initial response where they admitted that they [HHS] had lost contact with 20,000 children. That was almost a year ago now, so that number, you know, has gone way up- that they’ve lost contact with. And here’s the deal. Even when they had contact, they don’t vet these people. These people themselves may be in this country illegally. They may not have a job, they may not be able to support these children, and they may not even be related to these children in any way but then they place them and they lose contact with them. And so, we know that human and sex trafficking is rampant with the cartels along the border, but the saddest part is children are now being victimized- just like the young lady you showed there. She’s 15- but she owes the cartels money. And the cartels- they’re inhumane. They don’t care who they harm or exploit, and our government is actually the logistics arm of the cartel’s child trafficking ring. And then we’re placing them, we’re losing contact with them and we don’t know where those children are and what’s happening to them to this day.”

Bekijk bijlage 17402
Elon says Twitter interfered in elections and the Fake News goes almost dead silent on it.


Selective news reporting. Just another one of the recycled manipulation tactics of the Propaganda News.

Maakt het verschil of in de het hoofd of in de hand gechipt bent?
Ik denk het niet. Wat zijn de bedoelingen van Musk?
Maakt het verschil of in de het hoofd of in de hand gechipt bent?
Ik denk het niet. Wat zijn de bedoelingen van Musk?
Van BioClandestine :

The MSM have now fully adopted one of the wildest theories by amplifying “Muh brain-chips”. They are peddling the idea that Elon has some sort of dark, nefarious plot to control all humanity with Nueralink brain-chips.

If people would actually read these articles, it clarifies that the chips are for tragically injured people to regain neurological function.

And for those of you who fall for this propaganda and who are afraid of “Muh brain-chips” guess what… you don’t have to get one 😂
Dat is waarom die black-out dus denk ik op zeer korte termijn zal plaatsvinden. Het wordt ze nu vreselijk heet onder de voeten vanwege twitter dankzij Elon en de patriots o.a alles wat naar buiten komt kunnen ze alleen nog tegenhouden door alles plat te gooien. Of terwijl: panic!
Everyone is entitled to their own explanations and/or rationalizations. For my part, I'm taking a simple road. Nothing about Mr. Kanye West and his friends merits even a second of my attention, anymore. We have hundreds of stories out there screaming for attention. I will focus on those. 🔥🔥🔥

Dat is waarom die black-out dus denk ik op zeer korte termijn zal plaatsvinden. Het wordt ze nu vreselijk heet onder de voeten vanwege twitter dankzij Elon en de patriots o.a alles wat naar buiten komt kunnen ze alleen nog tegenhouden door alles plat te gooien. Of terwijl: panic!
Wat als niet de globalisten maar de patriots de blackout creëren?

Don't believe the hype.

Ik observeer dit neutraal. Ik zie wel dat Elon goede dingen doet met Twitter.
The burden of knowledge about the world intermixed with the continued yearning to see justice manifested across the world has given anons a burden of suffering through this journey. We have no way to go back because you can't unsee what we've witnessed, yet going forward brings pain.
The anon is experiencing spiritual growth by holding onto this burden and longing.
God is using this to enlarge your heart.
You're becoming His masterpiece.
Let it happen dear frens.
You're not alone.

A lot of people have this weird obsession with getting as many subscribers as they can and are petrified of losing any of them again once they get them by saying something that scares them off, but they never take into consideration the quality of their subscribers.

The number of your subscribers does not represent your actual audience, your actual audience is a core group of about 10-20% of your subscribers who consistently show up to hear what you have to say.

It doesn't matter if your subscribers are going down or up; if your engagement is remaining steady or going up, then your message is getting out.

Are you still here after after I tore a bunch of people a new asshole this morning saying exactly what I wanted to say and not holding back one bit out of fear that I would lose any subscribers?

Well, then I guess you're the audience I'm looking for.

Zo denk ik er precies over m.b.t. mijn forum!


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