The Great Awakening


πŸ‡§πŸ‡·πŸŒ β€” BREAKING: To the surprise of zero people, Elon Musk thinks it possible that Twitter employees unduly favored leftist candidates in the Brazilian elections

This comes after a scandal confirmed by him (Twitter Files) that high- and low-ranking officials of the platform would be improperly using their moderation tools to favor candidates in the elections, and weighing mostly on one side.

β€œA massive fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”


Vijaya Gadde, Yoel Roth and ALL others involved need to be subpoenaed in front of congress for the whole world to hear about how they are directly responsible for interfering in the 2020 Presidential election…

Then, there needs to be a QUICK TRIAL & SWIFT JUSTICE.

Try and put this into scope…

This is surely UNPRECEDENTED territory.

A big tech company colluded with the US Govt. at the HIGHEST levels to subvert the will, and choice of the American people, and to enable the Democrats to STEAL a U.S. Presidential election in 2020.

#TwitterGate is absolutely BIGGER than Watergate EVER was, by a factor of 17.

A regular criminal trial simply will NOT do, we are talking TREASON & SEDITION.

Military tribunals are what it’s going to take.



To make sense of the strings within the web, this 6th article on FTX/Ukraine contains links to the other 5:

Neon Revolt, lang niet voorgekomen op dit forum:

I don't think people understand the bigger picture of what happened tonight with the Twitter #ElectionInterference story.

Lot of people are already declaring "nothingburger."

No. That's not what happened.

What happened tonight is laying the groundwork for what's to come. Let's enumerate how the narrative has now shifted:

1) Election interference happened and it involved members of the Government, up-to and including Biden himself. It's not a "conspiracy theory" any more. It was a genuine conspiracy and anyone who says otherwise is a liar and a fraud.

2) Both Democrats and Republicans are involved. Meaning: this isn't a partisan issue (though it's clear Democrats shoulder most of the blame). This is, at its core, an election integrity issue.

3) Jack's personal email was revealed, and it's very strange. Perhaps this was done intentionally to get the typical water-carriers to start shrieking about >muh debunked Pizzagate until they're blue in the face, and keep them away from more important realizations (KEK πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚).

4) We were left with the distinct impression that there's much more to the case that will be revealed over the coming days. People need time to process information. The Zeitgeist needs time to shift. Why?

5) Raland vs. Adams. Oh gee, the obscure Supreme Court wildcard everyone seemingly forgot about.

The core argument in the case is that election issues abounded and a Constitutional right appealing for time to investigate these issues was fundamentally denied. Unlike other cases, only 4 SC judges have to agree to this premise in conference for the case to win.

Suddenly it's much harder for those SC judges to disagree with Raland's premise, when the CEO of a major American tech company is releasing materials implicating government officials (and possibly even Biden himself) in Election interference. Elon's brought receipts, and now perhaps you'll understand why this former Electric Car environmental darling has Journos gnashing their teeth and fleeing to Mastodon (hint hint - he has their unencrypted DMs and a willingness to publish communications when legally required to do so - ie, when the law has been broken. Otherwise, Twitter, his huge investment, would be complicit in those crimes, and regardless of what you think of him on matters of free speech, you have to admit, he is trying to do things to the letter of the law).

So my thesis is that Elon's info-dump was timed like this on purpose. There's one more conference day (the 9th) before an extended Christmas recess for the court, so by starting now, and seeding info over the next few days (odd he started on a Friday night, right? UNLESS the big drops start landing on Sunday/Monday, and then start to dominate the news cycle) - this gives the pretext for the court to agree with Brunson's case.

And if Brunson succeeds... I don't know how else to put this... that's pretty much the end of the Biden administration's mandate to rule.

It will be HELL for Biden - and one that I imagine might destroy his last remaining son in the process. But this is the evil wager PedoJoe made, through a lifetime of corrupt criminal choices. Chickens always come home to roost, and what's done in the darkness always comes to light.

I won't speculate further than that, but the fact that we're not seeing politicians and MSM journalists fleeing the country already proves they're too stupid to see the play - and be that by design or providence, it's just as well. There's too many moving parts. 99% of the populace can't even fathom this as a possibility right now.

But it's like a... a modified chess board. I'm seeing the landscape change and pieces moving into position.

Could I be wrong? Sure.

But I doubt it.

Let's see what unfolds next!

In de Nederlandse media uiteraard geen woord over dit alles. Nee lekker WK afleiding want Nederland speelt vandaag.

Straks is er geen houden meer aan hoor, ook hier zal het exploderen.

Waar vertelt de Nederlandse media geen woord over? Is er iets interessant te vertellen? Als dat zo is komt het wel bij de NOS.
Neon Revolt, lang niet voorgekomen op dit forum:

I don't think people understand the bigger picture of what happened tonight with the Twitter #ElectionInterference story.

Lot of people are already declaring "nothingburger."

No. That's not what happened.

What happened tonight is laying the groundwork for what's to come. Let's enumerate how the narrative has now shifted:

1) Election interference happened and it involved members of the Government, up-to and including Biden himself. It's not a "conspiracy theory" any more. It was a genuine conspiracy and anyone who says otherwise is a liar and a fraud.

2) Both Democrats and Republicans are involved. Meaning: this isn't a partisan issue (though it's clear Democrats shoulder most of the blame). This is, at its core, an election integrity issue.

3) Jack's personal email was revealed, and it's very strange. Perhaps this was done intentionally to get the typical water-carriers to start shrieking about >muh debunked Pizzagate until they're blue in the face, and keep them away from more important realizations (KEK πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚).

4) We were left with the distinct impression that there's much more to the case that will be revealed over the coming days. People need time to process information. The Zeitgeist needs time to shift. Why?

5) Raland vs. Adams. Oh gee, the obscure Supreme Court wildcard everyone seemingly forgot about.

The core argument in the case is that election issues abounded and a Constitutional right appealing for time to investigate these issues was fundamentally denied. Unlike other cases, only 4 SC judges have to agree to this premise in conference for the case to win.

Suddenly it's much harder for those SC judges to disagree with Raland's premise, when the CEO of a major American tech company is releasing materials implicating government officials (and possibly even Biden himself) in Election interference. Elon's brought receipts, and now perhaps you'll understand why this former Electric Car environmental darling has Journos gnashing their teeth and fleeing to Mastodon (hint hint - he has their unencrypted DMs and a willingness to publish communications when legally required to do so - ie, when the law has been broken. Otherwise, Twitter, his huge investment, would be complicit in those crimes, and regardless of what you think of him on matters of free speech, you have to admit, he is trying to do things to the letter of the law).

So my thesis is that Elon's info-dump was timed like this on purpose. There's one more conference day (the 9th) before an extended Christmas recess for the court, so by starting now, and seeding info over the next few days (odd he started on a Friday night, right? UNLESS the big drops start landing on Sunday/Monday, and then start to dominate the news cycle) - this gives the pretext for the court to agree with Brunson's case.

And if Brunson succeeds... I don't know how else to put this... that's pretty much the end of the Biden administration's mandate to rule.

It will be HELL for Biden - and one that I imagine might destroy his last remaining son in the process. But this is the evil wager PedoJoe made, through a lifetime of corrupt criminal choices. Chickens always come home to roost, and what's done in the darkness always comes to light.

I won't speculate further than that, but the fact that we're not seeing politicians and MSM journalists fleeing the country already proves they're too stupid to see the play - and be that by design or providence, it's just as well. There's too many moving parts. 99% of the populace can't even fathom this as a possibility right now.

But it's like a... a modified chess board. I'm seeing the landscape change and pieces moving into position.

Could I be wrong? Sure.

But I doubt it.

Let's see what unfolds next!


Brunson v. Alma S. Adams; et al.,

(Biden, Harris, Pence & 385 Members of Congress)

lawsuits include defendants Pres. Biden, Harris, former V.P. Pence and 385 members of congress for breaking their oath of office by voting AGAINST the proposition (that came from members of congress) to investigate the claims that there were enemies of the constitution who successfully rigged the election.


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