The Great Awakening

👆Part of the plan? Nu kan Trump natuurlijk zegen dat hij hiervoor toestemming heeft gegeven.
Neen, want dan nog mag volgens mij Pence die niet hebben.

Wat wel is, is wat gaan ze nu doen en zeggen over het feit dat Pence die heeft ? Als ze zeggen dat dat niet mocht, dan hangt ook Biden, en andersom als ze zeggen dat het geen groot probleem is dat Biden die heeft, dan ook niet voor Pence.

Of het is opgezet spel. Want Pence behoort tot de goeden.

Nu alleen Obama nog.
Via de TG-account van anon_fa_mous zag ik dit bericht van Archive Anon, hij komt weer bij zijn positieven!

You know, I think I'm about ready to move past the Gregg Phillips crap.

I think between me and Anon_fa_mous over here and all the other guys working to expose him on Truth Social, I've done my part in making sure people know that guy is a scam artist, so I'd kind of like to move on to simpler things now.

Honestly I never wanted to be a journalist in the first place, I just always have to do stuff myself sometimes, at least until other people join in and have my back. I just want to do some more of the Q Encyclopedia and do more Bible study crap and watch the news go by like before. I'm a little sick of all the drama.

Ik ben gelijk weer lid geworden van zijn kanaal, hij blijft briljant zonder al die negativiteit.

Laatst bewerkt:
The too long didn't read of the last few days of me writing about the Bible is, fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. If you do that things will get better in your life instead of worse, and by extension things will get better in your country and world instead of worse.

That's about it.

Via de TG-account van anon_fa_mous zag ik dit bericht van Archive Anon, hij komt weer bij zijn positieven!

You know, I think I'm about ready to move past the Gregg Phillips crap.

I think between me and Anon_fa_mous over here and all the other guys working to expose him on Truth Social, I've done my part in making sure people know that guy is a scam artist, so I'd kind of like to move on to simpler things now.

Honestly I never wanted to be a journalist in the first place, I just always have to do stuff myself sometimes, at least until other people join in and have my back. I just want to do some more of the Q Encyclopedia and do more Bible study crap and watch the news go by like before. I'm a little sick of all the drama.

Ik ben gelijk weer lid geworden van zijn kanaal, hij blijft briljabt zonder al die negativiteit.


I just wanted to say that I forgive Gregg Phillips for all the turmoil he's caused me, and I hope he forgives me if I went a little far in a few places getting back at him. I don't mean to demonize somebody just because they did some things wrong; we're all only human.

This Open ink stuff is still not okay, whatever it is. I just needed to leave you with that.

I should also say that I forgive all the people in We The Media and Badlands media for all the turmoil they've caused me and I apologize if I went a little far in a few places getting back at you.

The groups themselves as sources of media are a different matter and I can't necessarilly reccomend them to my audience for reliable information.

The individual people I hold no grudges towards.

And I guess I should apologize to my audience as well.

I've been going through a lot after the pit and I definitely needed to publically stand up for myself a few times.

However, I have a tendency to get too intense when getting back at people and demonize them too much in my head.

Sorry about that.

Once the Q stuff runs it's course and the people have their country and their voice back, they still need to follow God after that, and that means returning to more Biblical ways.

I'll continue to think on that stuff and ponder on it publically as I've been doing.

You know I've been thinking a lot about what exactly it is I'm going to do with my life once this Q Great Awakening stuff is over. By over, I realize that if we don't continue to be vigilant against the darkness, it will seep back in. All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing; so the lesson we're learning from all of this is to never stop being vigilant and teaching your children to cherish freedom.

But there does have to be some kind of historical climax to what is happening here. Some kind of great shift towards Nuremburg 2.0 where we shove the devil into the pit for thousand years, to use the imagery from Revelation.

I actually wonder what I'd do after that. You know in Lord of the Rings how they go back to the Shire after it's all over?

What does that even look like for people like us who've been thrown into the middle of this information war and taken oaths to save our country?

I get these flashes sometimes of how difficult is must be to grow old alone without a family beside you. I guess a lot of guys start having that feeling when they get older and they still don't have children yet.

After all the fighting, what do we come home to? I kind of wonder who I actually am once you take all of this struggle between good and evil away.

I used to have a wife and a stepson and provide for them, and honestly, I've never felt more fulfilled in my life than when I was taking care of a family. Then that ended and this entire pandemic nightmare started and it's been nothing but information war ever since.

Sometimes I fear that the innocent world we came from as children was never real in the first place. Do you know what I mean? That we can never actually get back to there because the world was always an evil place.

Growing up and learning that you are personally responsible for fighting back the darkness and keeping the devil from winning can be a very scary and disillusioning experience. It's hard to figure out why all this is here if you never get to settle down and just enjoy it at the end of the story. I just pray to the Lord that I get to see the "happily ever after" part with my own two eyes. That's all I've ever wanted is to see this world live in peace free from the influence of corruption.

I have faith that Jesus the Christ quickens us to eternal life and will bear record of us in heaven.

If I'm being perfectly honest, I'm kind of sad and depressed right now, guys. I think I'm going through a bit of a midlife crisis.

I used to have a family and now I don't and no matter how much I want to make this Great Awakening stuff the most important thing in the world to me, it just makes me sad that I don't have a family of my own to share it with.

What's it all for if you don't get to be happy and have people to come home to?

Documents with classified markings were found at former Vice President Mike Pence’s Indiana home last week, officials confirmed Tuesday.

Get that popcorn out🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿


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