The Great Awakening

I think one of the reasons this part of the journey is so exhausting is this:
The "movie" is not designed for the already awakened anon.
Everything that's happening is designed to plant seeds into the ignorant sheep's psyche that is preparing the way for them to truly break free from the deep brainwashing they have undergone their entire lives.
So what about anons?
To me this part of the journey is supposed to strengthen us and help us learn to endure long suffering and make our faith rock hard. If you look back at where you are now from 2020 I'm confident you will find that God has been using this time to create something amazing within you while we watch the system be exposed in such blatant ways.
If you are exhausted by daily news consumption then the reason is because that daily news is not for you. It's because the sheep need to see it.
You are above the fog, the fray, and the chaos.
Let your faith soar and watch how much better you will feel.
And if you don't feel as such: You are learning valuable lessons in the storm of your life right now that you will be thankful for in the years to come.
Don't let anyone tell you this moment is not where we are supposed to be.

It feels like a lot of people are going through trials right now that are testing them and making them feel hopeless.
My message to you is very simple:
Just go one day at a time.
We're in that type of season where we have to wait and protect our faith. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, God is strengthening you within these moments.
It won't always feel heavy.
It won't always be so dreary.
Not any season is permanent.
I, myself, am moving through this time with major limps but that suffering helps to humble us.
God can create a cross of out anything in your life. That cross helps you to become friends with God and gain empathy for your fellow man.
Just imagine the joy that comes when you overcome these trials.
You've come an extraordinarily long way.
This is not the end.
It's just the beginning.
Never ever let your hope die.

I like how some anons can think that they executed McCain behind the scenes without the public knowing, Trump and Saudi Arabia eliminated the old guard without normies seeing, Putin is attempting to eliminate the cabal central bank system with the approval of Trump but also they think that everything on the surface right now is also just as it seems.
I feel like sometimes we get so caught up in the day to day happenings that it causes many to become emotionally distraught when the movie itself isn't even designed for us.
It's for the sheep.
Why am I more comfy with politics than ever when I look at the big picture? Why does it feel scripted?
Am I crazy?

Based on my gut feeling, what I've seen, and what little I understand about the plan to awaken the people - I believe DeSantis is a white hat.

This is another case of political theater to reach a desired goal. What is the goal? My best guess would be to expose Rino bad actors and to set 'the stage' for the election.

I filter everything through that this isn't a political battle, but instead it's a show intended to shed light on darkness and subconsciously bring freedom to sleeping minds.


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