The Great Awakening

It's actually an incredible time to be alive.
In years past, they got away with everything without barely even a sliver of people understanding what they were even doing.
People like Bill Cooper were screaming from the rooftops to little avail.
But now we have millions of so called conspiracy theorists who see Babylon for what it is and continue to wake up and cry out for justice.
It's OK to feel frustrated and exhausted. But protect your thoughts, your mind, and what you say and you'll find yourself getting through this exposure period with flying colors.
It may not seem like it, but awakening is victory in many ways.
It's happening like never before!

I see an awful lot of people here and around my typical TG haunts losing faith. I see people setting due dates and deadlines: “If we don’t stop this or that by this time or that date then there is no plan and we’re all doomed.”

Ok, you’re right.

What are you doing here?

Go live your last days of freedom with your family and friends while your helpless God succumbs to evil, folds up the picnic blanket and goes to the house.

Ignore years of good people fighting back and outsmarting the turd twiddlers, turning their super secret disgusting world into a red pill global broadcast network.

Ignore Russia starting and prosecuting a massive surgical campaign to root out the dirty secrets of the globalists in Ukraine and expose the perpetration of global scale biowarfare.

Ignore the millions of hours of sleepless, tireless work Anons have done over these past six or seven years to try and hold your hand and drag you to a comfy spot while sometimes sacrificing their own sanity, their own families and friends.

Ignore the inexplicable, unmatched and most extraordinary Q posts. Ignore the massive number of truths and reveals within those posts that could never be conjecture. If you haven’t read the first 150 posts, go do it right now. I’ll wait….

Now ignore what you just read. Call it a LARP. Assume it is just the ravings of a madman that the FBI can’t begin to identify. Probably just a middle aged guy in his underwear sitting in his mother’s basement in front of a computer, eating cold pizza and typing out thousands of uncannily uncanny and accurate lines of stuff nobody could possibly know in a perfectly consistent voice. Just a guy. Sure. Just a guy with a hobby. Like gluing the eyes on pet rocks.

Ignore the resignations, the business failures, the rapidly collapsing narratives, the imploding machine with parts flying everywhere, the politicians scrambling to reestablish power and slipping in the scree.

Ignore the wealthiest man on earth yanking Twitter out of the hands of the beast and turning it back to its original intent while digging the drain squirrels out of the Twitter toilets and holding that dripping mess up for the world to see.

Ignore the most powerful journalist leaving his cush job and risking everything to champion a return to journalism with integrity. It’s coming.

Of course, anyone who is here cannot ignore all of this. Not for long. You can’t ignore it because you watched it all happen in real time. You just keep conveniently forgetting until someone like me gives you a whack on your melon.

Just because we have a few hurdles in the way doesn’t make all of what you witnessed disappear. Considering what we are up against it makes what you have witnessed even more spectacular.

Please stay, get comfy again and maintain your cruising altitude. Don’t let challenges wipe your memory of what you’ve seen. The next bit of spectacular is just around the corner. It always is.


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