The Great Awakening

Spit Ball

Big Picture

Trump Indictment

Step back and look at the big picture.
Trump is in zero danger.
What are the advantages to a possible Trump indictment by the Feds?
Precedent setting!
Trump is literally destroying the two tier justice system by “allowing” himself to be a target.
“I take all the slings and arrows gladly!”
People are worried about Trump and he’s not worried at all.
Nothing happens to Trump unless he “allows” it to happen.
Nothing!!! And I mean nothing!!!
This is war!
Trump isn’t surprised by any of this and can stop it any time he wants.
Why doesn’t he?
This is all about the normies.
Set aside your own views and try to see things through their eyes.
They are witnessing a very popular president being indicted and gone after for possible crimes.
That’s a massive precedent that has never happened in our history.
Trump is destroying the two tier justice system!
That’s the goal!!
Trump is innocent and we all know it.
He knows it too and a lot more than we do.
Why do people assume that the enemy is directing this play?
Why do they assume the enemy has more power than they actually do?
This narrative not only destroys the two tier justice system but also shows the normies that the Obama/Biden DOJ and FBI are completely corrupt.
Why is this an important narrative for the normies?
Because we are setting the table for the justice phase when a whole lot of those criminals are going to be prosecuted.
This also insulates Trump from the coming justice so that it doesn’t look like Trump going after his political enemies to the normies.
It will ultimately expose to the normies that it was Obama that politicized the DOJ and FBI.
Relax everyone and enjoy the show!

A quick word for the frens.

In many ways, you do not get to choose how long this anon journey goes.

We do get to choose how we handle this adverse period in history.

We get to protect our minds, elevate our level of faith, and choose to have a optimistic mindset despite it all.

Because what will worrying even do?

What will complaining in bitterness accomplish for us?

Will it save the world?


It will only tarnish your day when you could lift yourself up off the mat and decide you will trust God and be a champion, a rock of hope in one of the most important transition periods in human history.


"Laat u niet overwinnen door het kwade, maar overwin het kwade door het goede."

Het is en richtingwijzer voor je ziel. Je niet laten overwinnen door het kwade betekent dat je het kwade laat voor wat het is en je het niet in je bloed laat komen, je niet op laat winden en je er niet druk over maakt. Overwin het kwade door het goede betekent dat je jouw energie stopt in dingen die goed zijn, zoals meedoen in een parallele samenleving.
Er zijn geen gemakkelijke oplossingen, Gerard. Er is geen parallel rechtsstelsel door jezelf autonoom te verklaren, er is geen parallelle samenleving en er is ook geen parallel geldsysteem via crypto's. Het hele zooitje moet in zijn totaliteit vallen en er moet een algehele maatschappelijke omslag komen. Het is de enige manier, al het andere is zelfbedrog en valse hoop en dus onderdeel van het kwade.

I noticed that NASA is now warning of a looming internet apocalypse that would disable the internet for months and Elon chimed in saying that Starlink could act as a safety net for such events.
You have to wonder to yourself if Elon's Starlink will be used by the military in a storm like scenario.
Never forget that Schwab predicted an internet blackout himself after "predicting" a pandemic.
It seems we have some spicy happenings on the horizon.


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