The Great Awakening

Draadje over de satanische muurschilderingen op Denver Airport:

The one thing this world truly needs above all others is this:
The unveiling of such evil causes the red pilled to realize just how much we need God's power in our lives.
If you feel helpless in this system designed to oppress, the good news is we can begin to use our spiritual authority and partner with God because we are awake.
Pray for our country and the world.
He can and will give us a path forward through this fog of war and storm.
Have faith, Patriots.
God is greater than any Goliath.
Instead of filling yourself with despair:
Lift yourself up and pray that God will heal our land.

It's easy to think justice will never come.

It's hard to believe in a radical paradigm shift.

So often God's people have been put in circumstances that stretch understanding and patience to a place they couldn't have even imagined.

There is abundant joy in the process hidden behind layers of suffering. When we suffer we are humbled. When we are humbled we go low. Becoming like Jesus is a gift worth more than any treasure.

Live in joyful expectation. We're in amazing times with The Lord.

A quick word for the weary frens:

That fog is a burden when you are pioneering a way forward for the next generation.

Not knowing is part of the cross that changes who you are.

Anons have been pushing forward through this uncertain precipice.

We are watering seeds and planting them for awakening in others. It is uncertain if everything we are doing is all for naught.

But one day, the labor of love begins to bloom. Your faith is justified as that seed breaks through the dirt.

Sometimes faith requires a leap from whence you cannot return.

That is where we have been.

But one day your cup of joy will be filled when you see the fruit of your labors. When you witness what God had in mind for your life.

These lessons pertain to anything you have believed in from God. Whether it is about your career, your family, your health.

We are all believing God for something.

And sometimes those promises linger on day after day and we feel faint in our certainty.

My encouragement to you is to keep watering, keep believing, and never give up hope. One day you'll have a garden rivaling Eden, whether here on earth or in heaven.

Your faith piles up treasures worth being proud of and God is with you in the waiting.

Full Substack:

It's as if they are doing everything in their power to wake up those who sit on the fence.
Trump forced their hand.
They wanted to implement their agenda at a much slower pace than is currently happening.
You know what happens when the boiling frog in the pot feels the heat turn up tok quickly?
It jumps out!
Their plan is self imploding.
You're watching it in real time.


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