The Great Awakening

💥Bloodline/genetic manipulation part 3💥

It's ALWAYS been biblical. Spiritual warfare to the max!

Are you ready for this? 👀 This should help you open eyes.

What if I told you that the invasion of Iraq had completely different motives other than oil, gold, etc?

What if it can be linked to motives that are relevant today regarding genetic manipulation & demonic entities?

Why would we go into Iraq after 9/11 when Iraq had nothing to do with anything? Were there weapons of mass destruction? In a different sense, yes.

9/11 was an excuse to go into Iraq (obviously). If you didn't know, the Twin Towers were picked because that's the ground where we made our covenant with God. It will all make sense why they picked the spot after reading this. Simply, it was satan mocking God, but let's continue.

Why did the U.S. target museums & artifacts? They struck a museum in the heart of Babylon.

"U.S.-led troops using Babylon as a base had damaged and contaminated artifacts dating back thousands of years. The German Archaeological Institute said U.S. and Polish troops based at Babylon had caused “massive damage” to the site in 2003 and 2004."

"The sacking of Iraq’s museums: US wages war against culture and history."…

What were they after in particular and why? The simple answer would be "Gilgamesh."

You can dig for yourself but it is believed that this email was sent to Hillary Clinton 👇 They were looking for Gilgamesh.

F-2019-02110 Denetra D Senigar
Requesting documents pertaining to the resurrection chamber of Gilgamesh, the location
of his body and the location of the buried Nephilim.
12/13/2018 CLOSED…

Gilgamesh is Nimrod and the AntiChrist spirit.

Ecclesiastes 1:9
"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun."

We see all sorts of genetic manipulation now a days. MRNA technology is meant to alter your DNA itself. Even cloning is starting to become a reality for people.

"There is a war for your DNA."
"Protect your DNA."

As in the days of Noah, right?

As I discussed in part 1 (pinned) and part 2, hybrids were in those days. Genetic manipulation has been satans priority since Genesis. The whole reason for the flood was because everything was manipulated and corrupted. Satan wanted to infiltrate the bloodlines so Jesus' sacrifice would have been improper. He was beat.

It's what you are now starting to see again. Especially in regard to gender mutilation. Nothing but one bloodline of God's creation was recognizable before the flood. You better shake Enoch's hand when you get to heaven because people like him had to deal with the extreme chaos and thrived in the midst of it.

Again, you see movies all over about genetic manipulation. There's always some truth in movies about their agenda/plans.

Daniel 2:43 AMP
"And as you saw the iron mixed with common clay, so they will combine with one another in the seed of men; but they will not merge [for such diverse things or ideologies cannot unite], even as iron does not mix with clay."

What does it say?
"But they will not merge?

The seed does not take any more, so it is NOW done artificially. Bacteria, etc. (See part 2)

So, who was Nimrod? Nimrod was like Goliath. He was a "mighty one." Nimrod was from the cursed bloodline.

How did satan's seed get past the flood? In part 2, I explain that Ham's wife came from Cain's bloodline (cursed). Nimrod is the grandson of Ham. Giants were produced. Satan was beaten by God for the battle of Jesus' pure bloodline, but satan continued the war (still to this day). Now you're starting to see it ramp up again.

Nimrod was the first Mason. Nimrod changed his name. Gilgamesh. Depicting the mason symbol. "G."

So, what would they want with Gilgamesh? You may have already guessed it.


DNA that can be manipulated artificially to bring back hybrid creatures to not only alter bloodlines, but to bring back an ancient strain of cursed/demonic DNA. DNA that is supposed to be wiped out.

Matthew 24: 37-39
"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

Nimrod/Gilgamesh also known as "mighty ones."

Well, take a look at these translations.

Isaiah 13:3 (Brenton Septuagint Translation)
"I give command, and I bring them: giants are coming to fulfil my wrath, rejoicing at the same time and insulting."

Isaiah 13:3 (King James)
"I have commanded my sanctified ones, I have also called my MIGHTY ONES for mine anger, even them that rejoice in my highness."

So, you may find it interesting the invasion of Iraq is possibly linked to biblical events taking place.

Gilgamesh/Nimrod is the antichrist spirit. With advanced technology and advanced cloning now taking place, the enemy is attempting to revive this spirit. Our satanic governments around the world create bodies in labs, to give demonic entities a body.….

United States Returns to Iraq Rare Tablet Bearing Portion of the Epic of Gilgamesh…

All of this is happening and you're worried about a fellow conservative fighting with you (it's laughable).
So many people are in this movement (the Great awakening) for the wrong reasons. A lot of clout chasers. A lot of people solely looking at everything from just a political standpoint. We are living in Biblical times and should be bringing people closer to Jesus as well besides exposing corruption (obviously nothing wrong with exposing corruption.)

There's way more to bring light to. Stop fighting with each other. Unify. We all have a common enemy. Satan. He has infiltrated many governments (if not all), and he's laughing at us humans. Learn to use Jesus' Authority and start bringing down these strongholds.

They have shown you they wanted Gilgamesh. It's fact. Maybe now you have a little understanding as to why.

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