The Great Awakening

Hier is mijn explosieve draadje, veel leesplezier!

Er ontbreken posts. Nieuwe poging violgt, maar de Nederlandse vertaling is wel compleet.

Ik heb de vertaling aangepast naar goed leesbaar Nederlands. Er is iets misgegaan op X, het draadje is onderbroken geraakt toen ik het PNAC-document probeerde te publiceren. Ik moet helemaal opnieuw beginnen met posten op X, maar kan nu de energie niet meer vinden. Jullie hebben dus nu de primeur in het Nederlands, zie hierboven. Ik denk dat mijn draadje ook licht aangepast gaat worden, maar ik laat de tekst zoals hierboven in het NL maar zo. Het kost bakken met energie en concentratie om zo'n lang draadje te publiceren en het hakt er aardig in als het dan mislukt, dus ik moet even nieuwe moed verzamelen. Morgen of overmorgen doe ik een nieuwe poging zonder documenten of termen waarop de censuur software van X aanslaat!

Balen zeg! Zijn de verwijderde tweets dan ook niet meer zichtbaar in de thread reader app?
nu op rumble, de nieuwe docu van marijn poels:
Heb deze net bekeken. Goede docu. Zeker de moeite waard om te bekijken. Helder uitgelegd van a tot z hoe de wereld en leven op energieen en frequenties draait. Dat alle kennis erover bewust is onderdrukt.
It sure has been a long and winding road to get to where we are now, anons. There's no doubt that the marathon race we're running can be exhausting, yet it can also be exhilarating, fun and filled with memes and hope.
Some days I do not like politics. Hell, some days I hate politics, but I love the frens and the community of people who earnestly care about the future of our world and see these important truths more than any of that.
It's incredible how far we've made it and I have no doubt that we can go just a little further until the finish line. Take breaks from the news, rest, know that much of this is not for us, and keep a calm, trusting mind towards God throughout it all. Never let your hope be broken despite the burdens the enemy tries to place on you.
What's happening in our world is often too grandiose to comprehend, but we can take solace in the fact that we've never been at such a turning point in our history. Not like we see now.
And we were born for such a time as this, to witness what God will do, to watch the story unfold together. Not alone.

Blijkbaar toch niet big Mike:

Newsom to Appoint Abortion Activist Laphonza Butler to Fill Feinstein’s Senate Seat – Who Lives In Maryland and Registered to Vote There Last Year​

I had an interesting discussion with a professional this weekend who defined herself as liberal. She said, I bet you’re one of those MAGA freaks aren’t you?

I asked her to explain what she meant and then I just listened. After she finished the typical fakenews media Democrat talking points, I said I bet you we have a lot more in common in our beliefs then you realize.

I began to ask her questions as to whether she loves her kids, wants the best for them, believes that her country should focus on protecting her kids first as well as other American children, and whether she had a problem with our politicians sending money all over the world to places like Ukraine, when we have a vast poverty crisis here in our inner cities and cannot even take care of our war veterans properly.

She agreed with me on all of these points. At the end of our discussion, she said, I guess our political views divide us more than they should. I explained that even though I’m a registered Republican, there are many problems with the Republican political machine and both Republican and Democrat politicians and large party donors are focused on globalist policies which enrich their own bank accounts. I explained that they have ulterior motives to keep the masses divided along lines that are political, racial, financial, etc.

I explained the uniparty system and told her that I support America First because I believe that’s in the best interest of my children, my future grandchildren, my local community, and my fellow countrymen as a whole.

After I explained it from this perspective, she was on board by the end of the conversation.

The point of the story is to encourage discussion with people who define themselves as liberal by asking questions and listening, and then find the common ground on which we all agree. The vast majority will realize there are far more essential day to day issues that unite us as Americans than divide us.

When I see people doing deep dives on people most patriots believe are on our side and are doing the right thing NOW to help save our Republic, I am reminded of what we've been told via the Q operation (45's backchannel to us to bypass the fake news media).

Yes, we could probably do deep dives on the MAJORITY of our elected officials (and others) and dig up all kinds of questionable, unethical & even illegal past actions and there's nothing wrong with asking questions or doing research. It's what the Q operation taught us to do.


From drop 15:
"The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail (you are seeing it already begin)."

From drop 354:
"Hussein’s last speech in Chicago re: ‘scandal free’.
Why did he continually emphasize that phrase?
As a backup, they infiltrated and control the narrative (the ‘MSM’).
As a backup, they install only those on the team.
As a backup, they blackmail those that aren’t."

When President Trump says "We caught them all. We caught the swamp", it means he knows about all the blackmail & threats that were used to control most, if not all of them. Remember, our phones & apps like FB (a.k.a. LifeLog) are always listening. There's a massive data center in Utah that has a dossier on all of us that can be queried when needed. Remember when Maxine Waters bragged about it?…

Here's what's KEY:

From drop 10:
"...good people were forced into bed with this evil under personal and family threats. Could you live with yourself helping to cover up such evil despicable acts if given a safe way out?"

NONE of us know with 100% certainty who has or has NOT been given "a safe way out"...and I believe those who weren't forced out during 45's term, are doing as they are told.

From drop 2468:
"[Many] did not leave by choice.
[Save-Face] and promote MAGA or [be exposed]."

Ultimately, President Trump & his team have it ALL...and things will unfold according to THEIR timeline, not ours.

From drop 24:
"For the betterment of the country not all will be prosecuted and all will do as told. You will see more of this occur (not normal yet disregarded) and even on the D side."

Finally, I will support those who continue to support President Trump and continue to promote the MAGA agenda.

The minute ANYONE turns on President Trump, he or she loses my support. Simple.


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