The Great Awakening

I hope everyone appreciates the magnitude of the most revolutionary President in history putting a spotlight on the rogue totalitarian police state that’s been constructed around us. The weaponization of the justice system is the enforcement arm of the New World Order.

This is what everyone in the 9/11 truth movement has been sounding the alarm about since the Patriot Act accelerated the destruction of our Bill of Rights.

It is truly a monumental moment in history to see a President like TRUMP standing in the way of the cabal’s plan for a totalitarian world government.

I never thought I’d live to see the day.

God bless and protect President TRUMP
🇺🇸🦅 #TRUMP2024

Testen van nationale alarmsystemen in de VS en Rusland gisteren:

Red October?
Laatst bewerkt:
Gen Z is wakker aan het worden - om egoistische redenen weliswaar, want ze kunnen geen woning krijgen.

Dit helpt natuurlijk ook niet:

Laatst bewerkt:
Mikki Willis (Plandemic series) te gast bij Univibes (Tim Douwsma, interview afgenomen door Baptiste de Pape):

Over hoe zijn proces van Sanders een goed persoon met goede ideën vinden totaal omkeerde.
Ook Yuri Bezmenov wordt besproken. Net als G. Edward Griffin.
Laatst bewerkt:
There are good people
There are evil people

You can not make generalizations and lump whole demographics of people together based on the actions of individually good or evil people.

Evil people love to hide behind these demographics as a shield to their evil disparaging anyone who calls them out individually as being against the entire demographic.

Liberals and others can not make this distinction and it is why they don’t ever see the truth.

The evil ones ain’t gonna make it.
The good will unite and defeat them.

Book it.
Put that on everything.
Bet your last dollar on it.

This little charade only works for so long bc eventually good people will wake up to the BS ….

If you still believe in the Q plan give yourself a pat on the back! Through the extreme circumstances we are in so many have given up due to fatigue. It takes a great amount of radical faith to hold onto hope for as long as you have.

We have been in the midst of great change and trial. Every human being on Earth is an observer of the current process of the fall of the Cabal. To the few who are aware of how serious this moment in time is - enjoy the process.

While the burden is strong, and often times it feels like it will never end, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. In this light is the truth that nothing will ever be the same. You won't come out of this journey the same person.

Of all the times in human history to be alive - God chose you for now. You are alive for one of the most consequential moments in the story of Good verses Evil. You could have been sound asleep and blissfully unaware. But instead you are activated and battle hardened. This is a true honor! WWG1WGA


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