The Great Awakening

Alleged footage of the twin solar flares that have caused a massive cell phone outage across the United States. It sure is strange that the mockingbird media's assets along with Klaus Schwab were "predicting" media blackouts right before the 2024 election and now this is happening.
I'm sure it's nothing.

It's amusing the lengths some will go to in order to defend the system that fucks them.

I am highly critical of the right - for good reason. I watched them sit in their dicks while myself and others stood up to lockdowns. I've watched them unable to stop girls from being forced to share bathrooms and locker rooms with predatory trans actors. I've watched them shell money out to foreign countries like Israel and Ukraine while the dollar continues its downward spiral.

The list goes on.

Yet some will still refuse to acknowledge the ugly truth that the GOP does not serve their interests.




This is Stockholm syndrome. They abuse you. Lie to your face. Tax you to death. Ignore your needs. Serve their own. And undermine the very liberties they claim to want to protect.

There is no political solution.

I know this scares some people because it means that they are responsible for their own freedom.

It would be much easier to just cast a vote or two and have someone else do it.

Unfortunately, that is not reality.

I commend all who have realized this truth and work hard every day to become stronger, more soverign, and accept responsibility for themselves, their family, and their community.

Haters will call this a black pill, but taking off the blinders will always hurt your eyes at first.

If you're brave enough to keep them off, you'll see that it is quite the opposite.

Freedom equals responsibility.

You can exit the ride at any time.

There are plenty of us who have, and even though you lash out at us now, we'll help you when you stop being a pussy.

Destroying AIPAC is what matters.
Seeking external validation from a political body to assign what is common sense is relinquishing power to authority. If the IJC says anything short of Israel is committing genocidal war crimes, then it is not a relevant or honest institution. It's ruling doesn't matter.

Europeans are trying to convince themselves that they are still relevant when they aren't. America decides everything in the ME and Ukraine. Any rule is not enforceable without their cooperation.

All effort needs to be on condemning the US and severing that bond with Israel. Otherwise a million ICJs won't matter. The USA is the problem enabler.

There isn't a political solution when dealing with psychopaths. Israel needs to lose the war that is the only way. No one is coming to save Gaza. It can only be avenged.

It's going to be biblical.


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